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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Welcome Melissa. Gladys gives some good advice. If you toss them anywhere toss them into some container to revist later on. You already had some fun sorting them and that is a good start. Marble--On!!
  2. akroorka


    If this one came from your dug bunch that you are picking I would say Akro over Pelt. Not a Crow though. Marble--On!!
  3. Nice marble Fire! Marble--On!!
  4. akroorka


    The green reminds me of Akro and others game marbles—does it react under UV? Maybe a game marble from the start of a run? I would call it a swirl from the ground. Cool colors. Marble—On!!
  5. akroorka

    I'd pleas

    In my experience white slag’s are not too common. Nice long cutline’s--just picture this in another color as I am doing. No problem then---I would not rule out Akro though. This is a nice marble! Marble—On!!
  6. I always thought that these were Vacor—maybe not, at least I could not come up with one. Could it be a contemp? The Chinese make some similar ones. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Marbles-Glass-Marbles_60242667531.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.34c24b89v2SrPx&s=p Nice marble! Great color combo. Marble—On!!
  7. akroorka

    2 cats ?

    I would call them transparent based swirls--Maker?? Marble--On!!
  8. akroorka

    Pelt ?

    Not a Pelt--it could also be a MK--just guessin. Marble--On!!
  9. I cannot agree until @wvrons chimes in. I want the one on the left to be a Pelt--cannot do it---Jabo contract imho---weak one. The right one may just be a WVS. I just love this stuff! All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day Bro!! Glad to see you back and posting! Stay strong!! Marble--On!!
  10. These are nice looking marbles no doubt. They are contemporary, or more modern made by a nice glass worker imho. Nice ones--Marble--On!!
  11. I agree with Chad but will add the possibilty of Jabo here. Marble--On!!
  12. Yes, They are coming back in a big way Gladys. I have seen several in my back yard over the last few years. The Crows always tell the tale. What fun it was to see a bunch of Crows harrasing an Eagle. One-then two, then five, then a whole bunch. The Eagle just left for greener pastures, the Crows could not keep up.
  13. Here is a middle of the road example of "Oxblood". It may be darker or lighter sometimes but it always has some striation invloved. I hope that this helps. Marble--On!!
  14. Very cool--almost like a "Cleaner" Muddy. Marble--On!!
  15. Way back when they were rare I saw one snatch a big Pike out of the water--very cool. I am more worried about Coyotes taking my dogs than Eagles. I keep the dogs fenced up for that very reason. Eagles will take small dogs—or cats. They are just a big Chicken—they will eat about anything.
  16. Nice looker Gladys---I cannot rule out Master or Akro--or Vitro😁. You do come up with the best! Marble--On!!
  17. This one may be a "Jorkscrew"--a Jabo that looks like an Akro corkscrew. Chad fooled me with one of these awile back. (did I just fool myself?) All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Nice marble--Marble--On!!
  18. Welcome to you Archerfire, Post whatever you have in the ID section. Two or three at a time with at least three images of each. We all love to ID marbles regardless of age or maker. Comics are collected by many and you may have a few that you did not realize may be worth a bit. I look forward to seeing what you may have. Once again, A hardy welcome to you! Marble--On!!
  19. I love the glow--Killer! Marble--On!!
  20. I just chimed in. This is a hard thread to follow. Break them up individually for better results. Marble--On!!
  21. "Creamsicle colors, is this a MK Rainbo? .62 Inch" Ummm, this one may be a Pelt Rainbo. Marble--On!!
  22. Well-Thanksgiving is coming up--A CAC "TurkeySwirl" ? Marble--On!!
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