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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Vitro "All Red" with no red?😁. Marble--On!!
  2. I would say so. Nice ones Gladys! Marble--On!!
  3. Oooops-Both. I thought that there were four images of the same one. Marble--On!!
  4. I will stick as well. Marble--On!!
  5. I think that Chad is very close---nap time is over Steph!! Marble--On!!
  6. Love it Gladys---a real nice marble for sure. The yellow with these with just the white and transparent is a rare find. Marble--On!!
  7. I want to call this one a Vacor but I cannot find a proper ID. Marble--On!!
  8. Keep coming back and showing what you have. Marble--On!!
  9. My Kokomos are with my pelts--nuf said. After watching the vids---Kokomo would be a good ID imho. Nice marble Fire!! Marble--On!!
  10. akroorka


    This is what Akro called corkscrews--spirals--am I wrong?? I have seen them labeled as such in 100 count boxes. Marble--On!!
  11. I am guessing the size at 5/8'-11/16'---I think that is an older example. Nice clear base glass—Not an Akro or Master imho. One big cutline that I can see. A few bubbles for sure---and a few dimples as well—Not CAC imho--- Pelt—final answer. ( a weird one for sure) Nice marble regardless. All opinions are needed!!—and welcomed!! Marble—On!!
  12. akroorka


    I doubt that Akro had a name for this one. I have seen them listed as "Rootbeer"--I like it. Hmmmm a nice A&W sounds good right now. Marble--On!!
  13. Welcome Beansgood (I agree--just love beans--all types😁) As some advice to a seller--not worth your while. I you have a cool low priced jar or vessel to display them in--that will work. 95% of the are Mexican made Vacor marbles, there are a few asian cateyes invloved. I would pass at $10 for the bunch but as a decorative item you may be surprised, depends on the vessel holding them. Marble--On!!
  14. This one is cool William. It may be a coprolite---look it up💩 Folks used to travel out west and pick up many things that you would be fined for today. We have a lot of petrified wood that we picked up at rummage sales. Nice find
  15. A nine with a really long corkscrew-type tail for sure--Nice marble. Is that a UV reaction? Cool beans. Marble--On!!
  16. They could be Pelt Rainbos. I would need a better angle to really say for sure. Cutlines always help an ID Marble--On!!
  17. Top shelf Chad. I have an Akro eg and ox from my grandafather that looks similar---top shelf stuff. I just love this stuff!! Marble--On!!
  18. Nice find--love it! There are a couple of nice Akro Ades in that bunch--get the blacklight out!! Marble--On!!
  19. I circled what I think are Jabo in Black and what I think are Vacor in Red. Marble--On!!
  20. These dug marbles show what looks like hitmarks--just dirty little hitmarks. If these were real hitmarks--This marble won a lot. Still a keeper and more opinions may be needed. Marble--On!!
  21. You did OK. I see a few Jabo and Vacor--not many. There may be a few Akro and I like the slags. A Pelt or three. Most are WVS. All Antique malls have a "Marble Guy" and many second hand stores do as well. These look picked--but not that well. I would have dropped 40 bucks--just sayin!! Marble--On!!
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