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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Thanks Chad, Great links!! Made in England—cool beans. Hardly any opaque Whisplers are shown though. Just the ones in front of the cool little box. I wonder if they are more scarce, or just not as desired. Marble—On!!
  2. They are great images! I like the nut too, handmade?
  3. I would have thought UV as well---it is a nice big one. Marble--On!!
  4. Whisplers, I would like more info on them. There are a few on ebay right now from a seller in the UK. https://www.ebay.com/sch/handmade-vintage-swirls/m.html?item=224800600696&hash=item345728f278%3Ag%3A3cgAAOSwbxxh6dfu&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  5. Here are a few links. Imperial had some packaging describing “made in India”. Hard to tell which ones though there are a few countries listed. Imperial filed for bankruptcy a few years back, now they are Ja-ru. They may have some info for you. The last two links are from “India Mart”. One link lists marbles as “made in India”. The other one has a video showing a stockpile—no wonder some are busted they way that person tosses them around. They still make “Cod Bottles” in India, I would just imagine that they make their own marbles for the bottles. Marble—On!! https://www.ebay.com/itm/185191196470?hash=item2b1e416736:g:wagAAOSwIJNhna6O https://www.ebay.com/itm/284541536846?epid=1500961139&hash=item423fff4a4e:g:SPYAAOSw4ARhnjZV https://www.ebay.com/itm/363609611122?hash=item54a8d25b72:g:rGQAAOSwvJJgjsds https://www.ebay.com/itm/324858815333?epid=14046035526&hash=item4ba3182365:g:tD0AAOSwcapghu6F https://www.jaru.com/ https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/transparent-marble-ball-22998285297.html https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/kancha-glass-goli-22545632962.html
  6. Well Onions are round,there is a marble named after them and they just taste good. They fry up better than marbles too. Onions On!!---more needed for sure!!
  7. Here is a nice swirl just a hair under 7/8”. Nice coverage all around but thin on the blue color. Two shades of white, one of which is translucent, the other being opaque. Nice deep red. The is some slight orange peeling. Could this be a Jabo? Thanks and Marble—On!!
  8. My first impression on the first one was "wow, what a wierd cateye". I can't call it--cool one though! Marble--On!!
  9. Hmmm, Nice big long cut lines on this one. More opinions needed. Marble--On!!
  10. I think this one is a Vitro. Nice one! Marble--On!!
  11. I agree Berryb. After examining the glossier hit-marks, it does appear to be a glass marble polished by the sands of a lake or ocean. A cool thing, does it backlight? Marble—On!!
  12. In the earlier days these were called "Planets" now they are "Galaxy's", for quite some time. Marble--On!!
  13. Here is a marble “Made by Masters”. Just a hair under 1” You may think Akro on this one but the twin that came along shows the true maker, it is just not my Sundays best. I really love the old Master Made marbles and at one inch, this is my best ever, I love it—top shelf stuff for me and pretty rare at this size. These marbles were made to compete with the USA and German hand-made marbles and the hand-cut agates from Germany and California as well. They are really the toughest, most resilient, machine made glass marble ever made imho. Marble—On!!
  14. I agree. It is either a poorly made contemp or a really killer oldie. I would not venture a guess. You are a ball buster Fire---Love it. Marble--On!!
  15. This is the best group of slag’s that I have seen in quite awhile jten. The biggggg one is just killer, the yellow one I could look at all day long. Keep them coming whatever they may be. Marble—On!!
  16. These are great images--keep them coming!!
  17. This is with no doubt the very best Vacor that I have ever seen in this size. A really great marble Chad! Marble on!!!! and adjust with the times on as well---Killer marble
  18. It seems that Brian has laid back a bit over the last few years. I hope that he did not do this because of any heat applied from collectors---screw opinions and keep them coming is what I say. He has made some guinea marbles in years past that are just killer. Buying some of these guinea's and researching them from a not-so-honest seller is what turned me on to Brian. His Oxblood is some of the best ever made, and I mean ever-made by anyone. Oxblood is king in my world and those past guinea marbles should be re-thought and remade. Marble--On Brian Graham!!! ---A really true machine made artist!!---Less is always more. https://www.briangrahamglass.com/marbles/
  19. Once you get a "Brick Eye" you will never miss another--believe me in this! Marble--On!!
  20. Post jpegs no problem ever. Just like the dollar bill, accepted at all locations.
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