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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Nice Fire, Put it in the sun and light up the whole room with rainbow effect. I love this stuff!
  2. Here is an image of a “Jobber Box”---not the best from Akro--but Akro “Milky Oxbloods” just the same. The all look a bit different--- but the same. In my experience I have not seen the more “burnt” color of the one that you display on an Akro “milky”. The ones that I show may dive into the “milk” a bit but not like yours does. Most Akro Milkies have the Ox on the surface and they do not dive in and out. I would have to say that it is not an Akro, more of a WVS swirl type—maybe an Alley—not too sure though. Marble—On!!
  3. The DVR is THE very best invention in the world. I even record my local morning news. What ever happened to no commercials Cable? What a promise that was! Doug and his Emu are skipped more that any other--the liberty one is second. Who would sponser any TV if not for the insurance and drug companies---and by the way--who really takes any drug requests to ther doctor after 30 seconds of side effect warnings? Oh yes--I can rant!! Rant --On!!!
  4. There is no black glass imho. Brown, purple, blue etc etc all in very deep shades. You will aways find a color in black glass if you look really hard, under very bright directed light. The camera will often show what you do not see in hand. Marble--On
  5. This one look like an Akro Purple slag to me----OK, you are Krazy. Join the club🖖. Hard backlight, and it will reveal itself, at least on the edges. Some of these sure do look black. Marble--On!!
  6. I agree that the OP is a Master Made Marble---no Oxblood. I also agree with most of what has been posted. This is a great thread that you started Greeneyesgreenthumbs. You just never know where a thread will end up—keep it coming; we all love it—really! I also can understand the confusion regarding “Chocolate Oxblood”. A good point of reference is in this post by Cheese on 2/4 in the Akro Friday thread. It is a “Blue Oxblood” imho. https://i.ibb.co/wLb8r3v/Untitled-design-34.jpg Great images by the way Cheese! Oxblood may look like it is brown under certain circumstances. In the case above posted by Cheese it is covered with a dark blue/gray semi-transparent color (I guess blue/gray over oxblood makes brown). That being said; these blue oxbloods will sometimes display the Oxblood in hand, without a hard light on them and the Ox does look brown when it does but the blue/gray is always involved. It would be a rare example but it can cause confusion. Usually these need hard light to get the oxblood to show but not always—just a production thing I imagine. Oxblood is red with many variations in shades, dark to light, fresh Oxblood to dried Oxblood. It can be “covered “ with other colors, but it is not a color that bleeds or runs----Oxblood is what it is and it stands by itself, it usually a very delicate color in terms of damage vs. most others. A mint marble containing Oxblood or a mint “Brick” is a very nice find; it chips/breaks pretty easily as opposed to other colors. I cannot recall any oxblood displaying a subsurface moon, it just cuts loose. As always--- Marble—On!!
  7. I am far from an expert on WVS. The transparent glass appears to have a slight “coke bottle” color to it. If Jabo used this kind of glass, I agree with Tommy, if not------I have no clue. More opinions are needed on this one—a cool marble for sure. I love the pinkish/purplish swirl in it. Marble—On!!
  8. There have been a lot of ID questions on Popeye Patches lately so I thought that I would make a separate post on them. The images that I show are of one of the originals, the “stinkers” that started it all. These were bantered over a long time in an Akro vs. Vitro discussion throughout the collecting world a few decades back. Then, one day, during an Akro dig, a very large amount of these came out of the earth. They were all this color combo as I recall, as were the ones that were often involved in some very heated discussions before the big find. As you can see the blue in these marbles often “bleeds” into the clear base glass. Either something went wrong during production with this type of marble, or they could have been a true “experimental run” which would explain the patch vs. corkscrew pattern (why waste energy/equipment on a test?). The example that I show was acquired through a purchase of “dug” Akro Agates about 20 years ago, it is an average example. These can be quite minty and well filled but most of these were out of the ground. Now, I am not saying that other color combos do not show up as patches, of course they do, just a part of the whole production thing “stuff happens” so to speak. Any additions/corrections to this post are more than welcomed, along with some more images. This is just the way that I remember it. Marble—On!!
  9. That’s a pretty nice set there hdesousa. The style/size numbers are unique as is the wooden insert. I wonder what a #39 is? The knife looks like it may be from the same makers as the smaller box that you posted last week. The box, with the inserts, took more time to make than the marbles did. The insert looks handmade/crude, perhaps the knife is original. If the paper covers the edge of the “notch” I would say it is so. Very nice! Marble—On!!
  10. Here is a nice orange on orange snake. Marble—On!!
  11. I do believe that there are marble making companies in West Africa. What country I do not know. Marble--On!!
  12. I found one Gladys, I knew that I saw one of these some place before, I have one. I took shots of the entire separation of colors. It is about a 50-50 fill between the two colors. The only real cutoff is in the bone colored glass, which looks like it was swirled. The colors are a bone yellow and maroon/very dark red. I always thought that this was a Peerless patch. There is a little window in this one as well. Marble—On!!!
  13. akroorka

    Akro ?

    Are there pieces of fire brick floating in this one Fire?
  14. akroorka

    CAC ?

    Not a CAC fire--pre MFC imho, an antique. I am not so good on the early transitionals, I just know one when I see one. Some one will come up with a name, describe the pontils and give a size. Marble--On!!
  15. I cannot say that I have ever seen a black bennie before. The three color bennies are a hard find. The big Jasper colored one is quite cool as well. Marble--On!!
  16. This one looks like a Vacor/Vitro cross. The white wispy part being the Vitro half. A real odd duck this one---good luck! I have no clue. Marble--On!!
  17. Hello Gladys, It seems to me that I have seen Pelt Perless patches close to this color combo. Just sayin--maybe. Marble On and welcome back😁
  18. Now, to be a Red Raven, no white base glass, brownish base glass, a bit of white is acceptable. My brain is going to mush again. I will remember the red thing for sure. I think I will go look at a few Akros to get it back in shape. Thanks Ric. Marble--On!!
  19. Well Ric, This one has no glow. I did not know that it was a tell on these. Thanks. Alley Agate it must be. Marble--On!!
  20. A Ravenswood or an Alley? My brain goes to mush trying to figure this color combo out. Marble—On!!
  21. Posting from the top shelf today Ric? Both that you posted are killer, this one deserves many looks--crazy cool!! Marble--On!!
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