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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. This is to my favorite Daughter who lost a friend in a missile attack in the “Green Zone”. My “little Girl” signed up, did two tours in Iraq and wanted more (still does). She was refused a tour in Afghanistan, Africa and Afghanistan once more. She has fought too many people in the Army that wanted her to resign—she is a winner, a hero and still enlisted. Pretty scary when you know that your daughter (or son) is flying over Iraq in a helicopter or on the ground doing what must be done. Also to my youngest Brother who was in Iraq when they invaded Kuwait. He is still and always will be suffering from Gulf War Syndrome. I will never forget the trouble we all had with communication at that time—we sent mini cassettes back and forth to keep in touch. He sent me this rock from Iraq (oil shale) along with a live Scorpion (surprise!!!). The Scorpion when into the freezer and I put it into a block of Lucite for him when he returned. He went back to serve a tour in Afghanistan regardless of his state of health. Too many of our Military Veterans have suffered and will carry this with them forever. Carry on and I give you all my utmost respect. SALUTE!!!
  2. Not too hard to pick out the remade in this post--I almost wish that Akro made this color. None are marked. According to the Hardy Akro Book-- and why would I doubt them---Smith Glass made the Transparent ones
  3. That is the real deal Chad--nice one too.
  4. The one handle baskets were hard to make and hard to keep intact once made. If you do find one check for glued handles. I have some two handle that I will post later. The two handle is one of the molds that has been purchased and reproduced. Akro--On!!!
  5. An Akro-Heads garden--I found a swirl and a corkscrew today.
  6. A very nice group of Sparklers for sure!!
  7. Champions??? If they are, what are they called? Thanks and marble--On!!!
  8. Hard to find and not marked--the elusive one handled basket---a nice pair for sure.
  9. Nice ones, that green and yellow has me drooling.
  10. That’s an odd looking Cleary I thought to myself while doing some sorting the other day. Well it’s a corkscrew completely buried in the glass. There is a cool “ghost cork” on the surface, made of the base glass, which covers the opaque buried cork all the way around. The cutoff marks with lashes are three times wider than the “ghost cork” and the opaque cork that is buried. Beat up a bit but still very cool. Injected Corkscrew? Marble—On and Corkscrew on for sure!!!
  11. This is a nice patch and I think that it deserves some attention. The term "Akro Watermelon" is not one that I am familiar with, bear in mind that I am not really into names. The colors do not look like Akro to me. Master Marble had some bright colors that are really hard to imagine that they came from MMC--just sayin. Cutlines are not always the fact. More ideas may be needed on this one. I call them like I see them. Marble--On!!!
  12. I agree CAC. Nice looking and above average. Marble--On!!!
  13. I agree--Akro purple slag. Nice one for sure! Marble--On!!!
  14. The board is kind of slow the last few whiles so I thought I would try to light it up a bit. Show us the marbles or glass that you own that you think may be the best that you have ever seen or owned. Do not be shy just do it and show us your best, there is always one better—that is what drives us. No shame here—just the best that you think that there is and that you have in your collection. I will start with a one inch Cleary that turned out to be a “metallic”---very cool, only to those that love marbles---- Marble on!!!
  15. Tri-Color Agate-- patch type---agreed. Some Tricolors only have two colors, some have four. I think that Akro conveniently called white a color when it needed to---like some collectors and an awfull lot of sellers do as well. Well, white is a color on game marbles---hmmm? Akro --On!!!
  16. The enlarged image of the back shows an applied ribbon over the original print. Looks like the one that I have and I believe that that one I have is OEM. There is at least one more for less money on E bay. Marble--On!!
  17. My dad found this bottle while working as a Lineman with the local Utilities. They were digging a hole to set a power pole and up it came in the auger tailings along with a bunch of other smaller bottles, the bigger ones got crushed. He knew that my wife and I were into old stuff so he picked them all up and gave them to us. Thirty years later, my wife found the “Trade Card” at a local shop. Pretty cool how things can come back together.
  18. Yes, I admit it, I am a knucklehead. I am really a knucklehead when it comes to WV swirls. While digging through some cat eyes earlier today for another post I found a box marked Jackson?---- I have purchased a number of marbles from digs over the years planning some day to start a mission of trying to get a handle on WV swirls. Well, time and the fact that I am a cork-head have not allowed that to happen yet. This box full was never marked like it should have been; memory fails me as to why---. I could have sworn that I had some Davis marbles from a dig---but I think that these may be what I was thinking about. I am pretty sure about one thing Chad---they are not Chinese—lol Help a knucklehead out please. Thanks and Marble—On!!!
  19. "Confetti" marbles works for me. It is a pretty broad term that really descibes all of this type. Vacor may have penned the name "Confetti" but this type are also made in China. They are also broadly called "frit marbles" Here is a link Confetti On!!! https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/colorful-R16mm-white-ceramic-speckled-glass_1600156778992.html?spm=a2700.details.0.0.23f12540DDJpub
  20. I dug through my cats and found what reminds me of #5. The large ones are 7/8”. I found no Vitro cats of any design larger than 7/8”. All of the rest would have been sorted at the factory as 5/8” and they all were very close. I did find one caged cat with my Vitros that was in a bag by itself. It has what I will call “coke bottle” glass instead of the usual clear matrix. It is 7/8” and pretty well made, it has a few hits on it so I must have thought that it was special because cats with hits do not last in my sorting order. I set it aside for a reason then and I still get the same vibes today—“close but no cigar”. I hope that this helps, just my observations of course, I would love to hear more. Marble—On!!! and cat-eye on for sure!!
  21. It could be a button. Button collectors can be very passionate about the hobby. Too much? I doubt it. Nice find Button—On!!!
  22. Sorry Inkspot, lets back up a bit. #3 and #4, I agree with you on. #5 has the right colors but it is too hard to see what it really is. #6 seems to be too small and does not cry out Vitro to me. It could be but I just call them like I see them. #7 is just too hard to see into. Some better images will help. #1 and #2 are from the Asian market. Due to the glass color, the finish on the marble and the sloppy seams. (they also seem a tad large) #8 is a cross through cat that may not be touching in the middle with respect to all of the veins. Foreign as well---could be from south of the border but Asian is a good guess. Sadly, the resources for cat-eyes is not as complete as it could be. I just have to shoot from the hip and rely on my feel/eye for them. Have you checked out the You-Tube video? There are a few books out there as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdsHJfKPQ8A
  23. Really nice marbles! Top--shelf! Thanks for sharing!! Marble--On!!!
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