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Everything posted by catfish

  2. Its been on there for quite a while now. Interesting piece. I would like to see it in hand.
  3. Those days are pretty much long gone..............
  4. LOL, cool video! The old man schooled that kid. LOL
  5. Weren't they ghost parrots or something like that? I remember them too Steph, but not the name for sure.
  6. Good job Steph. I too don't understand why the person before left a positive with negative wording.......
  7. LOL, had a good laugh with my coffee with this. Is it wrong that I used my wife?
  8. That Flaming Dragon is fantastic. Ebay or from the wild?
  9. Not sure I have ever seen a bag of Cosmics with 100% shooters in them. I have a bag of Cosmics in regular size. And my Cosmics are packaged in the Anacortes packaging IIRC.
  10. Yeah, thats a lot of Cosmics in one group!
  11. I have reported his auctions. Every little bit helps.
  12. Those old boards are sure fun to fill......then take the marbles off and fill with others.......then get another cool marble and decide which one has to go off the board.....etc. Years worth of enjoyment.
  13. Happy Birthday to a fellow collector, great photographer, and a fantastic friend. Hope you have a wonderful day Bob.
  14. Stay away from those 2 foot tall drinks they sell on Freemont street. I drank two of those in a short time..............I don't think I even knew my own name after those. When Bev and I went down there a couple or three years ago for the show, we ended up staying for ten days. It was my first trip to Vegas. That place is unbelievable!
  15. Yeah, SEMA is huge. You could walk around for a few days and still not see everything.
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