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Everything posted by catfish

  1. At risk of being in agreement with Galen, I can sort of agree. Neutral to the Jabos for the most part, it does appear that a "riff" has formed in the community. Thus dividing some collectors while others remain neutral. Time will heal.
  2. Dark Side of the Moon.....what a classic. memories..........
  3. COlor on the surface and inside? Or just on the surface? Pretty neat Duffy.....
  4. LOL, thats rich...........LMAO.
  5. Well, at least you have those stupid dancing bananas. LOL
  6. Its like joining a gang. You either get beat in or sexed in.....pick your poison.
  7. munching popcorn.........................
  8. Yeah, they are a real PITA. Especially when a legitimate seller sends you a second chance offer on something....it makes you scared to buy it wondering if its a scam of sorts.
  9. Well, I read the first paragraph, but I have a short attention span. But I wasn't knocking the OP when I laughed at the video. It just caught my eye and made me laugh.
  10. LOL, I guess I was on the wrong track.....sorry.
  11. And thats a nice Jabo avatar Scott.......
  12. How long has it been since you looked through those? I see some corks and a popeye. Looks like a fun group to go through.
  13. Land of marbles is more child friendly if you are looking to show the children some marble photos.
  14. SOme very nice swirls in there for sure! That light Alley blue is great looking.
  15. I remember Scott Patrick, may he rest in peace.
  16. In the first photo, that swirl in front center is out of this world!
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