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Everything posted by catfish

  1. I don't have any handmade photos on my work computer here.....unfortuneatly.
  2. Wow! That thing was/is a big one! Nice job on the resto as well!
  3. Wow Pete, thats a huge latticino!!!!!!! The others are not glazed like many of the other Chinas. Nice!
  4. LOL, now there are only 4 posts in this thread.
  5. Single ribbon or divided ribbon? Single naked ribbons are one of my favs!
  6. Already been asked for. Try doing a search.
  7. It deserves a spot in the front row of any collection.......
  8. Manscaping! LOL, there something I never would have thought I would read on a marble board! LMAO. Nice balls Mikey!
  9. Oh my, that is one festive marble!
  10. I might actually question the Bogard bag too now that I look again. Where is Al?
  11. Awesome! Looks like the one that was on flea-bag not long ago. Killer marble for sure!
  12. THey are all real bags and a real box IMHO. Nothing really rare, butthey appear to be in nice shape. I always liked the Santa bags.
  13. I bet that Panasonic takes pretty good pics for its price. Not so sure Leica (the lens manufacturer) is any better than other manufacturers these days, but years back, they were the cream of the crop. Of course technology has marched on and other manufacturers have caught up. I personally feel that Point and shoot manufactures enlist lens makers such as Leica and Zeiss for their very lond standing reputation for fantastic optics as a marketing gimik. Sure, they are great, but so are Nikon's and Canon's lenses. Could the average person tell which lens took which picture? Not a chance. Kinda like my Dodge truck with its factory stereo with "Infinity" speakers. Infinity is known for great audio equipment, but the mass produced crap in the doors of my truck sounds no different then the 20 dollar pair at Wally World. LOL IMHO, there will be very, very little difference between Macro capabilities in the different point and shoot cameras. Will there be exceptions? Sure. Am I going to wade through 100's of camera reviews?....NOPE. LOL I would suggest throwing a regular 'ol marble in your pocket and heading down to Best Buy or where ever and shoot some pics with the sales representative at the store.
  14. Nice! I am liking the pattern on the big zebra!
  15. They all take good macro photos if you read the manual.
  16. I was at the Vegas show in 2008 was Leo there? Those Patriot onionskins Steph linked to said something about it. I cannot place him.
  17. Of course its not necessary. If you read my first post, it says that any point and shoot with a macro mode will take great marble photos. Then I went on to say that I used a point and shoot for marble photos until I got my first DSLR.
  18. Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. Basically, its a big camera that you can use interchangable lenses on. My link basically, the user has full control over everything and the ability to buy specialized lenses for different tasks.
  19. Darn near any point and shoot camera with a macro mode will take good marble photos. Canon is the current leader in point-n-shoots, but all are very good. I used a Nikon Coolpix for a year or so until getting a DSLR.
  20. I haven't found much in the wild lately....its been like 6 weeks........ugghhhh... Nice finds in that box though^
  21. Damn! Nice haul Griff! ANy competion for 'em at the auction or did you get 'em for a song?
  22. Nice pavers for sure! My favorite type of marble. My 3 favorites are 4th marble in photo #1 (hint of green in there?), and 3rd photo middle marble and far right marble! Great collection!
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