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Everything posted by catfish

  1. Proof of what? That is a contemporary marble. It is not that old at all.
  2. What you cannot easily see on line are the ones rarely found at garage sales. Having said that, there is still a chance, and there are bound to still be some rarities to find "in the wild". What do you personally collect?
  3. Not a lemonade base at all. I have one identicle to it, and it is a vaseline base. No doubt in my mind.
  4. MarbleAlan recently sold quite a few on ebay. They went fairly cheap IMHO. They are around and available.
  5. Personally, I think the Aces and the Pelt Mansions are the easiest to distinguish from the rest of the runs. They are way different to the untrained "jabo eye". IMHO
  6. Killer Steve! Thanks for sharing that. Great photos as well! Derrick
  7. Great camera if you understand photography and purchase the right lenses. I have two Canons, the Rebel XTi and the 40D. If you are just wanting to snap photos though, its a little too complicated. Not saying anything bad about you personally, but if you don't have an intrest in learning photography then I would stick with a higher end point and shoot. P&S are more than capable of great photos. Just my thoughts on this. However, if you are interested in taking fantastic photos of everything (marbles, family, landscapes, etc), then the Canon Rebel is an excellent choice for entry level DSLR. CAUTION: if the photography bug bites you, be prepared for an expensive hobby. For instance, I spent $400+ on a macro lens (it focuses very closely) and another $700 on a flash. These two pieces of equipment were bought mainly to photograph marbles, but the lens is also fantastic for portraits, etc. Another thing to keep in mind is that some post processing of your images is generally required to get the most out of your cameras photos. This means spending some time "tweaking" your pics. Derrick
  8. I would agree with this statement. Those are fantastic photos S~. (its easy to make that symbol) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Derrick
  9. You don't like the munchie. LOL I thought he was rather funny.
  10. Why is this getting turned around into something of Lizzy's board? That place has zero problems! None! Kinda weird, huh?
  11. Great shots everyone! Here is one I took about a month ago with my lens @ 500mm. Derrick
  12. Good job w/ the heads up Griff! What kind of cullet was it? Derrick
  13. Why they defended you on LOM is beyond me. Your argumentive posts reek of "smarter than thou" attitude. IMHO Sure, you are helpful, but never can accept being proven wrong. Lead Astray! I personally have never had an outright "riff" against you on the boards, but I have stopped reading through many of your posts. All the circle talking and links and photos over a darn common marble are hard to swallow at times. Perhaps its just the changing of times that seem to cycle through these boards, but most tend to rebound. This one has just kept turning to shit with no end in site. Hiccup Perhaps I'm also saying this in defense of some people that I consider friends that are no longer welcome here. Its sad. Derrick
  14. So?!?! You are thanking Lou for banning folks like Galen when you whine and cry when it happens to you. If I had lots of free time right now, I would site 30 posts with links and draw circles on pictures and argue why you should not favor his decision to ban. But alas, I do not.
  15. LOL, you've been banned more than anybody else I can think of at the moment.
  16. Hicups are a natural part of the boards. Banning members is not so good in my opinion. Everyone should be allowed to say whatever within reason. Editing, deleting, and banning are a no-no IMHO.
  17. I would take the original, thats when "History was made".
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