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Everything posted by catfish

  1. I just looked through my photobucket account hoping I had pictures of mine on there. (I am away from home). No dice. I will look on my other laptop this evening when I get off of work.
  2. Well, if the first swirl was debunked, then I would like to see reason to keep these in the Peltier "swirl" pile. I don't believe these swirls date that far back, but cannot prove it personally. Lumping marbles into the Pelt column because they contain aventurine doesn't seem plausible. Many swirl manufacturers as well as Master, Akro, and Vitro had aventurine. I just don't see how Peltier fits. Not arguing, and you are free to keep them where ever. Just my thoughts after a couple dozen years of collecting. I open to new info all the time.
  3. I would be interested in why you think Peltier.
  4. THere is an obvious swirl pattern in the ones like your first posted picture Steph. Mine doens't resemble a Pelt or Master in construction.
  5. They are referred to as artifacts in the digital photography era too, so you are correct. JPEG artifacts are caused during the file compression.
  6. If you are saying "huh" to my post, let me explain......the books are full of mis-info, especially the older ones. And you can only do so much with a photo. Handling marbles and marble shows is a way better learning tool for me. Your mileage may vary, and I am sure it does. If books blow your skirt up, thats cool by me.
  7. Awesome! Congrats on the new to you folks Buick! Sweet looking car for sure.
  8. Marble books are my last source of reference. I haven't cracked any of mine open in quite some time.
  9. Well, said David. Hopefully all the investors start opening up a little. You'd think they were working for the CIA the way some of them clam up.
  10. Hope you find the good in everything. I just read what interests me and skip stuff that don't. Pretty easy to do.
  11. I had to go re-read the posts. My bad, I thought I read that the photos were going to be posted on the other forum.
  12. I say go ahead and do group shots and post them Bocci's site. Could be very informative. You are correct, I too think group shots would be a better representation.
  13. What kind on Canon? I am assuming its not a point and shoot if you are monkeying around with the settings.
  14. I bet that sure looks nice in a window! I haven't ever seen that much in old stained glass either. Is it original to the house?
  15. Oh my! Those frogs are hilarious!
  16. Reminds me of a "jasper" or "lined crockery".
  17. I'd actually like to see a group photo of said lizards. Cool collection now that I think about it.
  18. THose Halliburton cases are very nice. Is it the one that are similar to the pelican cases? Very tough indeed.
  19. Well, I know I would WANT to. LOL Depends on the price if I would or not.
  20. Never get tired of looking at your collection or your great photography. Awesome BT!
  21. That is a great looking piece! I really enjoy the simple designs. Way more attractive to me than the overly busy (too much crap going on) marbles.
  22. Everyone that smokes pot should have a brass lizard. LOL
  23. My guineas have pretty solid coloration.
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