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Everything posted by catfish

  1. Did you put some good stuff in the center as well? LOL Cause the outside marbles are killers.
  2. Thats the sort of jar full I like to find in a store! LOL
  3. Good to hear. Glad he got the mouse out of the mudroom. If my wife ever saw a mouse inside the house, we would probably have to move. LOL
  4. Thats the name of the run Duffy? "Jabo What a Tribute Too"? how's Eddie Murphy doing?
  5. You'd be better off just buying groups from someone such as Burt. I have bought from Burt and highly recommend him. If there is something you don't like about what you receive, I bet he would work it out for you. (not trying to put words in burts mouth) LOL Its cheaper than ebay, better service, and you can make a nice connection with someone. Some of my favorite Pelts also came out of Florida!
  6. Nice! Those cj prizes are really cool.
  7. Interesting question. Anxiously awaiting the answer.
  8. Its a dome display. I had the glass off in the photo.... Linky Dink to Dome
  9. Yep! And with the high megapixel counts of most cameras, you really won't lose anything by pulling back and just cropping the photo. Especially for web size pictures.
  10. Yep, depth of field increases when distance from subject to camera increases. Good tip!
  11. I started collecting about 20 years ago. I grew up around antiques and two of my relatives collected marbles. It was quite a challenge in the pre-internet days to find nice marbles in Wyoming. Its much easier these days to hop online and buy them, but back then it was a challenge, and it was actually more fun.
  12. Wow, some really nice colors and patterns there BT!
  13. Very nice group Winnie, I was thinking along the same lines as Al.
  14. Good job, GIMP is very powerful software..........and the price is right!
  15. Looks like a cane cut slag to me.
  16. ha! thats cool! I never know you could drag photos to your desktop like that. Thanks nancy, thats a cool tip. Worked for me.
  17. I just got the catalog, and shouldn't be on the WV marble club list. I have been to a show, is that info shared?
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