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Everything posted by catfish

  1. Pretty crappy pictures for sure. The mottling in the color splotches has me worried.
  2. That sounds reasonable for 5 colors. I have been buying up mint 4 colors without white for 40-65 lately. I'd likely pay well for some more 5 color parrots though.
  3. ^ thats a nice 5 color parrot there!
  4. I have a couple dozen parrots and none of mine glow.
  5. Wow, some really cool colors and patterns in there!
  6. Its actually sarcasm, and that's what causes all the riffs. It is all the little sarcastic digs that get under everyone's skin. FWIW, I have both a vintage and new run collection. Only boxed sets of the new runs. I like the nice wooden boxes some of the sets are in. I don't have them on display, but I do own many sets. Bought mainly from folks I would consider friends.
  7. Boxes of flames, guineas, and cobras for one example.
  8. Wow, could you twist words any more than that?
  9. Good, then we won't be hearing any more from you on this subject I assume.
  10. Wow, there is more talk of Jabos on this board than over at Bocci's board.......
  11. David, I think your $90 is closer to realized prices lately. Actually, even that is speculation on my part as these are above average in pattern for sure. However, as one who regularly monitors the Parrot market (we have many in our collection), mint prices on Ebay and through private sales are averaging $50-60 each for mint examples with or without aventurine. I would gladly pay more than the current average for the two examples shown above......lovely patterns on those.
  12. My cat was born on April Fools day. Growing up, mom always had us make pancakes with a string in them for Dad. Dad always (acted) fooled and what not. Later I realized that the only time Mom was ever up early cooking breakfast was on April Fools day. We always ate cold cereal the other 364 days. LOL
  13. Oh my! All in one package even.......NICE!
  14. So sorry to hear this Chuck......
  15. I like 3/4 and smaller myself. But whatever floats your boat!
  16. so everything with the dash is omitted? Say I wanted to search for vintage marbles, I could type......... marbles-jabo-contemporary-cats eye-new-crap-damaged-broken-akro-swirl and that would give me every listing with the word "marbles" and omit everything else? Sweet.....
  17. Hell, I'm irritated when exotics are listed as CAC. LOL
  18. how do you omit something from an ebay search? I know how to include more than one word..... Example: (marble, marbles) Typed like that, it with bring up all listings with either word in it. Surely there is a way to omit Jabo from the search.
  19. It honestly drives me crazy too. I have pretty much stop browsing ebay for marbles. No matter how I search, I have to wade through listing after listing, page after page, of Jabos. Not knocking Jabos, but I ain't interested and its frustrating to search through 200 pages of marbles for what should be 50 pages of vintage. If I want to just browse say Christensens, its not so bad; but trying to find a fun lot of something that might be overlooked by others is just too damn time consuming anymore.
  20. Nice finds. Wish there was a place local to me like that.
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