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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Clear fly murrini made in an optic mold surrounded by red opaque.
  2. If you want to make a cane-cut handmade larger than normal size - you would have to have a fruitwood forming block made that size.
  3. I am saddened by Bert's passing. He was an enthusiastic elder statesman of the hobby - with more energy at age 80 than most people have at age 40. In all my times with Bert - I never regretted a minute that I passed with him. He had time for everyone and generously shared his huge wealth of knowledge with anyone that had a question. He gave marbles to kids at shows and was always trying to increase awareness of the collecting hobby. On top of that, Bert was a gentleman. His passing leaves a huge hole in the hobby. My family and I will miss him. Alan Z
  4. Opaque Sparklers Roger Hardy got from a former Akro employee:
  5. Akro Sparlker with heavy blizzard 'aventurine' - probably caused by colorant spilled on the rollers:
  6. Very Dali-esq. Needs a melting guitar or clock or something.
  7. Thats heat. The cane was not kept in rotation in the glory hole.
  8. As others have observed - that isn't a Popeye.
  9. A fair number of DIs were dug. Patches are no different than any other style when it comes to that issue.
  10. Variations in glass color are far more likely to be caused by changes in the amount of colorant, furnace temperature, weather (barometric pressure), degree of striking and a host of other factors. Keep in midn that amrble-making wasn't a precision business - despite collector's sometimes thiunking that it was. Batch and colorant were literally SHOVELED into the furnace. Keep in mind that Akro was shipping multiple train boxcar loads of marbles twice a week. Akro wasn't a short-run, small pot factory. The digs at Akro show us the variations that come from starts and ends of batches and all manner of problems. Small variations in colors are just that - variations.
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