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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Not Green Dragons. Regular Rainbos on the right. Left are a little more interesting but can't come up with name.
  2. So, any clear based marble with white and bubbles is a Snow Globe????????
  3. Great program and hope it goes well. Kudos to all that have helped.
  4. The two in 2nd picture, 2nd column, 3rd & 4th ones are ones that may not have enough clear to be a popeye. Another view may discern more. Others are all popeyes. Nice bunch.
  5. Nice ones and continuing with the great pics.
  6. The bottom two yellow ones are not Peltier. They look like foreign cat's-eyes.
  7. They are Bennington marbles. Made in Germany in the late 1800's. While old, they are still fairly common.
  8. Here is a picture of the old and new MK's - old on the left; new on the right.
  9. Great variety on those patches!
  10. The major companies all made game marbles and many of the solid color game marbles do shows patterns like MK, Vitro, etc. The original one is probably an MK game (Chinese Checkers) marble.
  11. Ron, that's great that you are involved with that marble group training for the Nationals. Kids involved with tangible things seems like it should be a priority for parents, teachers, and people in general. Thank you.
  12. In this climate of Internet, etc., any marble club can be "national". I belong to West Virginia MCC, Texas Marble Club, IAMC, etc.
  13. I see the listing was cancelled. Hopefully they heeded your information.
  14. Al Oregon


    Lower left is Champion - Hot Wheels?
  15. No middle ribbon all the way around so not Tiger Eye. Looks like Conqueror style but base glass is wonky color.
  16. And a lot of foreign cat's-eyes with some Imperial types (green with color stripes) in the one pic below the cat's-eyes.
  17. Left I might put in Wales category but still Japanese. The Wales kinda look like Vitro.
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