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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Started being made well before Anacortes - here are some in an older bag.
  2. Ribbons are wider on first for Velligglas; 2nd is odd; 3rd Akro patch; 4th Akro slag; 5th - ?; 6th maybe Akro; 7th - ?
  3. Might be NLR but no name.
  4. Hard to tell - camera is focusing on background.
  5. I almost think of muted brown rather than yellow (in hand) but pics seem...?
  6. Thanks - hopefully more thoughts come in.
  7. Hmmmm, almost thinking CAC.
  8. A basic flame - thinking Alley - at 43/64 inch.
  9. A little less sure on these two - Alley or Ravenswood 11/16 & 5/8 inch - thanks for the help.
  10. Just confirming that this is Blue Raven?
  11. I have a few that I think are Ravenswood but wanted to make sure that I wasn't mixing an Alley in there - sometimes close? 19/32 and 5/8 inch.
  12. Al Oregon


    I'd lean to MK
  13. The green is just the blue overlaid over the yellow, or vice versa.
  14. So sad to read this. He was a great man and marble collector. Prayers to his friends and family.
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