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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I know this is Peltier and have seen a couple similar pictures over the years but cannot remember, or find, if it has a name. It is 39/64 inch. Thanks for any help.
  2. Yes, it does appear from time to time in MK's.
  3. Old style, not newer style.
  4. Looks like a contemporary maker put together a box.
  5. Interesting bunch of marbles!
  6. Here is a link to an AAM post by Ron and others that details a lot of information about the Jackson/Playrite story. https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=25704&p=235380&hilit=Playrite#p235380
  7. And, if you want to delete them all at once, when you go to your Inbox, the gear (settings) icon has an "empty" choice when you click on it.
  8. Looks like he lost the Quidditch match to Harry Potter - wow, that must hurt.
  9. Hey, a transparent golf ball - look at all the "bubble" dimples... sorry, couldn't resist - just what ran through my mind when I saw it. Otherwise, no idea.
  10. Here is one of my bags with similar marbles.
  11. Vacor makes marbles in the 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm, 42mm and 50mm (almost 2 inches) sizes. Goldfish and Lion are maybe the closest Vacor colors but missing a color so... Mummy had a newer version that might be close. Atmosphere is a possibility but I looked through a bunch of pictures that I have and could not find similar pattern/colors.
  12. Al Oregon


    They do not look like reproductions although there are some out there. The originals, like these, are from the late 1800's, maybe into early 1900's.
  13. Agree with messed up Vitro All Red
  14. The Popeye marble was part of the Jabo character marbles. Here it is in the upper right of the Vol. 1 Popeye blister pack.
  15. The Betty Boop one that you posted is not like the ones that Jabo did and packaged in blister packages. They were color types and not just a facia caricature. The one you posted is newer like Ron said and could have been made by anyone.
  16. Here is pic of that box (& bag) that Dave B. posted back in 2012, with Akros.
  17. Al Oregon

    B-DAY !!

    Yes, have a marbleous birthday!
  18. I have never seen a Bakelite marble nor do I have any pictures saved of any.
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