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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Here are a couple of my "Corals or what?" boxes. Quite a variety of colors that may or may not be Coral. The middle one in one box is a Peltier NLR but was close on the colors so...
  2. Bo Stiff and the mini-peewees bottle I got from him in 2007.
  3. This bag may not contain Asian patches but not sure where the marbles were made. It is from Winnie's territory - Netherlands - Don Juan bag. The marbles have similar patterns to some of the Asian types although they are iridized. Maybe Winnie can tell from the label where the marbles were made?
  4. Nice idea - hope you don't get on eBay's bad side.
  5. About a third of the Imperial bags/packages that I have contain patch types or a combination of patch, cats'-eye and speckled types. I think 35 or so. I think I covered the variety of patches in the pictures above.
  6. A few of the 100+ Imperial packages that I have.
  7. I think any Heaton Big Shot (or other) mesh bags are harder to find. I only have one (pictured below) and it has the swirls. Ones with swirls would be more valuable than with clearies but if someone like me that collects packaging doesn't have one, the value would be a little higher. I also posted pics of an older style polybag with swirls.
  8. The guy from Florida that was the first major producer of the fantasy (& fake) bags in the mid to late 1990's made several fake bags of CE Bogard. I have attached a copy of one page of the flyer that I have (not the best copy). On this page, #'s 7, 9, 16, 23 and 27 are the fake CE Bogard and Heaton bags that he made. I had bought a set of the 50+ bags from a third party who had bought them from the maker. Here are pics of the CE Bogard bags. You can see that there is no seam on the back of the bags. I think these are where the MK shooter types appear and people think CE Bogard may have packaged them. I'm not saying that they didn't but the fake bags used a lot of them.
  9. Nice report. Were there Milkies in the box or was it empty?
  10. Couple of other CE Bogard bags - "muddying up the water" with the 4 shooters in a bag (with seam).
  11. Here's a pic of one of my CE Bogard over Heaton label bags. With the tear, you can see the underlying staples, etc.
  12. A couple more Master bags with black cat's-eyes
  13. www.iamc.us has all of the information
  14. No pontil - machine made - might be Akro or Vitro.
  15. TV - then video games - then cellphones, iPads, etc. Kids don't stand a chance of being normal like "we" were in the old days....
  16. As with many marble names, they have encompassed other styles over the years. The ones I pictured were the original ones named "Cloudies" back then. Y'all can have "Cloudiestoo(2)" or "CloudiesJr." - LOL!
  17. Top two rows are Alley peewees that I got from Larry Castle years ago.
  18. Those do not look like the Cloudies that Ron Shaw and I had discussed/named many years ago. Here is a picture of those.
  19. Picture looks like the blueblood (oxblood under the blue).
  20. By pics, I was referring to ones that I have taken of my 3,000+ bags and others that I have saved over the years from the boards, eBay, etc. You find very few bag pictures in the books.
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