The 10th annual Orange County Marble show is next week!
Howard Johnson Hotel
222 W. Houston Ave
Fullerton, CA 92832
For room reservations (4th floor is blocked for Marble Show vendors!) call (714)992-1700
Show is open to the public 9am-3pm on Saturday March 19, 2016
No admission and parking is Free!
In room trading is Thursday and Friday before the show (4th floor)
The Grand Ballroom (as usual) is reserved for us on the ground floor of the hotel. We can set up in there as early as 7am. And might have access to the room the night before. I will assign tables in a similar fashion to previous years. Please let me know if you have special requests each table is 6'x2' and will have a table cover,skirt and two chairs with limited access to electrical outlets . Please bring any additional lighting and extension cords you might need. I have always been happy with the lighting in the room but I do encourage table displays and custom lighting! Call or message me anytime!
Lunch options during the show are a catered lunch provided by the hotel for $14( sandwich, cookie, chips and drink), there is also a great grocery store next door and a small gift shop inside the hotel lobby.
Please mail your payments to secure your table today!
$50 each table VINTAGE dealers
$75 each table Contemporary dealers
I accept PayPal payment (add 1.75 for vintage , 2.50 for contemporary sellers) or you can mail a check to my home address
Christina Cody
2276 channel dr
Ventura , CA 93001