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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I like the elephant bird on this last one! I have other "copper" ones but have not seen any on an Alley Spruce or other similar aventurine marble.
  2. Almost has an Akro feel to it?
  3. OK, makes sense. Since it is to be a promotional giveaway, please let us know how that will happen. Maybe I, or a friend, can go to the store to be involved in the giveaway. Not trying to create problems for you, just would like to have a piece of modern marble packaging history.
  4. It's been a couple months now since I got back on eBay to sell (after a 10 year break). I'm almost through with all of the Mega/Vacor bags that were great sellers and am back into US and other bags and a few boxes. Some pics here. I list 3 or so per day so keep an eye out. I'll also be listing some marbles soon - some shooter size that I don't collect and some of my duplicate Akro multitwist corks (and a few "regular" ones). eBay iD is arasmus - here's a link http://www.ebay.com/sch/arasmus/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=1&_rdc=1
  5. Great idea, Joe, and congrats on making it happen. Please do keep a couple of bags available for us bag collectors that don't live in your area.
  6. Agreed. The Vacor (Mega) Glitter or Stardust would have a rough texture to the marble.
  7. I think he is talking about the home page listing the various forums. There is a donate box, who's birthday and other information. There is a similar "box" on the main page for each forum that has Who's online. There is nothing on the thread page. I think they are fine. It doesn't mess up anything and gives some "other" information - nice to know whose birthday it is, etc.
  8. Sounds great. Thanks for the information. I'm emailing him today.
  9. Here are some Joe Street pics from back in 2012 - maybe something here?
  10. A lot of work went into the boxes, as well as picking good marbles (as you mentioned). Great accumulation!
  11. Not bad here in the valley - windy, some trees down, power outages for 45,000 or so. Manzanita (on the coast) had the rare tornado that caused some damage to houses, etc. Just rain today.
  12. I had been reorganizing my bags and came across this one put together by Marlow Peterson many years back. It has some cool Jabos in it.
  13. I'd go with double ingot. The yellow ribbon in the pic does not look like it lines up with the continuing yellow on the other side of the fold.
  14. Josh - what is the main difference, in looking at the marble, between a Moonglow and a Lawnchair?
  15. Bumblebee - no, I knew what I was buying from the start. I wanted to get examples of every marble bag ever made. But the fantasy bags became never ending so that's why I quit collecting that type. The flyer Alan shows was from a guy in Florida who, I think, was the first mass marketer of the fake/fantasy bags. I got a set of them for the $2 each and that was the mainstay of the fantasy part of the collection. While Galen is correct on how easy it was, if you compare the quality of the ones that the "flyer" guy did in the mid-90's to the ones shown that started this thread, there is a vast difference. Still "fake" and "fantasy" but nicer.
  16. I collect Akro corkscrew - the multitwist types - and these purple and red corks show up in those types.
  17. When I was first collecting - for the first 8 - 10 years (when the fantasy bags starting coming out - late 90's, early 200 time frame), I did collect those type of fantasy bags. The person that made the types you linked to (and I did not keep track of the name so not sure if same person but bags look the same) did a very good job on them - nice printing, good quality headers and bags and the marbles were good quality marbles. But, they kept proliferating and even bags take up a lot of space so I quit collecting them. The person keeps up on the latest "hot" items - like the latest Ghostbusters movie - and has kept them coming. My last count, I had about 270 of the fake and fantasy bags and some duplicates, too. A little side note - on some of the earlier bags (and ones now probably), they also used Mega/Vacor marbles. Can you imagine finding a fantasy bag with some advertising name like these bags and having it full of early Michelangelos? 25 to 28 of those beautiful marbles that are selling like hotcakes now.
  18. I haven't seen any lists of MK P&R colors - old or new. Gerald is working on a book - I think it is still in "layout" or whatever it is called.
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