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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I have sent them to Jason and he will convert and upload them. Thank you for taking the time, Jason.
  2. I had gotten these tapes some years ago (probably 10 or more). I looked at a couple and just set them all aside. There are 13 tapes. They all fit in a Medium Priority Flat Rate box so shipping would be the $13 or so that USPS charges. If someone is interested, just pay $14 to cover shipping and you can have them. Here are the following auction numbers that were included - 6, 7, 7A, 8 9, 11, 12, 13 Session 1 (4-22-94), 13 Session 2 (4-22-94), 14 (7-15-94), 15 (9-23-94), 17 Part 1 (3-2-95) and 17 Part 2 (3-3-95). I have shown the dates after the #'s. The first 7 tapes did not have a date but they would be prior to April 22, 1994. Good piece of history. If someone can copy to DVD, that would be even better. No guarantees on the tapes but they have been sitting on a shelf in my office so no weather, dampness or other possible problems. First person to message me that they want them can claim them
  3. Just a quick plug - the last Ravenswood Genuine Old Fashion bag listed on eBay ends this evening (Sat). It has a green/brown Ravenswood swirl in it. Also several multitwist corks and some Marble King packaging up for bids. Marble bags and more on eBay - http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_ipg=50& ... mus&_sop=1
  4. Some of mine when I used to collect flamey marbles.
  5. Had to throw this one in - 63/64 inch - thoughts seem to be that it is Jabo - had not seen one similar before.
  6. I think the patch-ribbon-patch is same as patch-ribbon-ribbon-patch - just too lazy to type the additional ribbon. Obviously there are a lot of variations - patches on one side of the top (or bottom), offsetting ribbons, matching ribbons, etc. Very few rare ones have been seen in packaging. Someone had a MK Rainbows bag with a true Watermelon and a blended Watermelon in it at the WVMCC Show back in 2005 that I saw. Chuck B. had been trying to by it from the guy for years. In all the packaging that I have, no rare ones.
  7. Does not look Vacor to me, either.
  8. That is sad to hear. I met him at a couple shows and enjoyed talking to him about the special runs. Prayers to his family.
  9. One of those fried ones from the 50's when you made them for jewelry...
  10. On the main page of MarbleConnection.com - right side - is a donation area. Works through Paypal - I just checked it out.
  11. Same here - shipping must be the slow boat from China...(LOL!).
  12. Same to you and all others in our marble collecting community.
  13. If he/she is a savvy seller (which he should be with that kind of numbers), he could see how many "watchers" there are and determine possible bidding. He/she should know there are the last minute bid programs. But.... maybe just message him and nicely ask why? Maybe make him an offer on the one you liked.
  14. Glancing at Stan Block's Sulphide book, for common ones, in mint condition, he has more for under 1 inch and over 2 inch - in between less.
  15. I have one Running Rabbit VHS tape, several Bob Block Auction VHS tapes from 1994 time frame and, somewhere, a few of the Running Rabbit books like shown above. If anyone is interested in the VHS tapes, let me know.
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