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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. They do show up in some G-V bags.
  2. Messed up Blackline All Reds - Blackie would normally have a more defined black ribbon. Here's a picture of bag of Blackline All Reds
  3. Per Stan Block's Sulphide book - 2 inch range for elephant in good to near mint condition is $50 to $150 value - probably closer to the $50 based on damage.
  4. Bill Tow took these photos back in 2006 of Peach Slag.
  5. The blue one is 4-vane cat's-eye marble, possibly made by Vitro although Marble King is a possibility.
  6. Likewise - enjoy the holiday and drive safely if you are traveling.
  7. Steph - how in the world did that happern? Went in to delete dupl pic (ssme as prior post) and add new one. Ended up leaving the "wrong" one and addingthe new one 3 times? The total size is over 900 so it should not have even accepted them??? How can I fix?
  8. Or you can resize the photo using Paint or some other program/app that does resizing.
  9. Surprisingly no identifying names, etc. on mine.
  10. I don't think Steph sarted a thread on metallics pictures. I have collected these off and on since I started collecting back in 1998-99 time frame. Probaby have 150 different ones. Most companies had some. Misstakes in most cases like a wrench/tool dropped into the furnace or workers tossed a beer (or soda) can or two into the mix. Of course, we have Dave tearing an armchair apart at Jabo to makde the "lawnchair Jabo metallics). Here is a picture of the Peltier metallics that I have. Let's see some of your metallics.
  11. Very nice story. I had visited Alan at his house when we were vacationing in Florida. I remember working with him on "exposing" the fake marble bags. Both of us worked with Antique & Reproduction News for a couple articles they did on the fake bags.
  12. Here is a Tiger Eye type chart for info.
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