Was on vacation and break for a while. Now back to putting several (up to 10) items of same type on the same day – like Akro multitwist corkscrews on one day, or some patches or Alleys or marbles other than corkscrews, or Marble King packaging, or Vitro packaging, or odds & ends.. I figure that way buyers can get the ones they want and with combined shipping and it’ll be easier for me to handle. So, please keep an eye out for my eBay listings and hope you find something to add to your collection.
Among the current listings are Vitro 8-finger, wirepulls, Mica, an Akro Leopard, some blended Marble Kings, MFC Brick, Champion Pumpkin, besides the Akro corkscrews and some packaging. More listed each day.
Please let me know if there are specific marbles, bags, etc. that you need. I have a lot of duplicates or ones that I no longer need to collect (just sold over 100 Alleys to a collector).
My eBay ID is arasmus and the eBay link is http://www.ebay.com/sch/arasmus/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1