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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I have not taken individual pictures of my multitwist corks but here are a couple pictures of some of mine. The transparent type corks (onyx) seem to have more twists/corks than the opaque and translucent types but you can find many in both.
  2. I do not see any high value ones in the group shot. There are some newer types, foreign, cat's-eye, MK and some 60's types like Vitro and maybe a few older WV swirls and maybe even some Jabo. Good variety for a collection but look like common ones.
  3. Paul, nice work. Roger Adam is the one that made these many years ago. I have a few. Yes, Steph, corks do look nice in these display cases (here's one of mine). Paul, I would think you can sell these big time if you have the time to make them.
  4. Agreed - does not look like any Pelts I have seen. Almost reminds me of basic German type but....?
  5. budwas - you asked about the 2nd one up on the left of my display case - here is a close-up[ picture. Turned out to be opaque yellow base with blue ribbons (bleeding on one side).
  6. Some nice Akro corkscrews ending Monday & Tuesday on eBay - Mint and Mint - - http://www.ebay.com/sch/arasmus/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  7. Great find. That last one could be Peltier.
  8. Older - late 1800's, early 1900's - pottery marble but may have another name. Not common to me but not rare either.
  9. Al Oregon

    Group 23:

    Second picture of # 2 gives me pause. Maybe a chance of a slag or MFC/CA type of marble. Not sure.
  10. The discussion comes up in a variety of marble types. The Vitros like Parrots are supposed to have 4 colors but if they have white, that does not count....
  11. Was on vacation and break for a while. Now back to putting several (up to 10) items of same type on the same day – like Akro multitwist corkscrews on one day, or some patches or Alleys or marbles other than corkscrews, or Marble King packaging, or Vitro packaging, or odds & ends.. I figure that way buyers can get the ones they want and with combined shipping and it’ll be easier for me to handle. So, please keep an eye out for my eBay listings and hope you find something to add to your collection. Among the current listings are Vitro 8-finger, wirepulls, Mica, an Akro Leopard, some blended Marble Kings, MFC Brick, Champion Pumpkin, besides the Akro corkscrews and some packaging. More listed each day. Please let me know if there are specific marbles, bags, etc. that you need. I have a lot of duplicates or ones that I no longer need to collect (just sold over 100 Alleys to a collector). My eBay ID is arasmus and the eBay link is http://www.ebay.com/sch/arasmus/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  12. "Pop" - opening up a can of worms, Steph. Remember discussions on "white" not being a color. Then # 6 is a 2-color cork....LOL!
  13. Good ideas. Since we should not be collecting for the "resale" or "making money" purpose, then the marble should definitely be something that grabs our attention and that we like. For me, while I like looking at the larger marbles - usually better patterns, more easily seen, etc., I collect marble around the 5/8 inch size (11/16 and less) Mint is definitely the goal but it is tough to pass on a not-mint rare / hard-to-find marble that you have been looking for over a period of years.
  14. But Bill's are brown AND blue. Single color ones I would think would be less, at least IMHO.
  15. That sounds right. # 3 probably a Vitro. # 1 is tough one.
  16. Values are tough with cat's-eyes as there are not a lot of collectors looking for them. The Vitro hybrid types - more than one color on the vanes - are more collectible but still tough to sell. If a collector is looking for certain ones and you have them, they might pay a couple bucks for one. Otherwise, as a group, I doubt if you would get much more than $5 for those but, if on eBay and a couple bidders get going, who knows.
  17. Nice to see what the insides look like.
  18. Good add-on Steph. By the way, the two pics in my post were not my pics - had saved them. The Vitro was Jerry's form some time back.
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