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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Yea, I won the guessing contest!! I agree with all the comments above, however. Someone paid too much but...?
  2. I like Steph's definition for a snake but even the use of auger is somewhat messed up by some. I think of auger as a drill bit and, to me, ideally the ribbons should not reach the edge of the marble. However many do and I can see that. But then, you look down the middle of the drill bit, from top to bottom, and you should not see a "hole" in the middle. But, again, some have a small hole and are still called augers. Here's an example of an auger, pictures by marblealan that is a lazy one so....?
  3. Great video - glad you persisted and got it for us to see. Cathy Runyan-Svacina is a great lady and her collection used to be in the Museum in Kansas City, as you see in the video. Looks like in a few months, it will be in the great Northwest where collectors out this way will be able to view it.
  4. I finally came across the Heaton bag that I had posted a couple pics of on June 19. These cat's-eyes are very unusual for Heaton. The bag looks totally legit so I don't see some kind of "filled" bag. Here are two more pictures.
  5. Hope you have a marbleous day, Lou!
  6. Stick around for a few days longer and you can go to the marble show starting with in-room trading this Wednesday. Show on Saturday. The hotel has a shuttle to and from the airport. Info at www.iamc.us
  7. We understand that we cannot see the "ribbons" in regular light but it does help identify the marbles (or at least give us a feeling).
  8. I'd go with Champion. Many of theirs are out-of-round.
  9. Wasn't this a version of the Spotted Dick?
  10. I think there were less than 100 printed. Somewhere here I have # 12.
  11. Boy, I apologize. Not sure how I missed Q? I always liked him on the original James Bond movies. Richard had a good one to fill the space. Now, for X - I do remember an X-rated sulphide from many years back but I did not keep a copy of the picture. Steph probably remembers it - maybe she has a picture. In the meantime, I'll go with Triple XXX.
  12. Peltier used the "Champion" verbiage on several bags that they packaged. The Champion Jr. use is what some collectors called them way back when and it has confused identification of some basic Peltier marbles. Here are a few of the Peltier bags with "Champion" on them (besides the one shown above, which is a fair value for $9).
  13. Here's the picture that someone posted in 1999 that were ID'd as Champion wirepulls.
  14. Someone posted this picture back in 1999 that they called Champion Wirepulls. That's the only picture that I have labeled as a Champion wirepull. I'll look through some of my other Champion examples and packaging to see if I can find any others.
  15. Not really an ID question but for information. I was going through some of my boxes and bags from the early collecting years (1998-2002 or so) and came across this box from Taiwan. The marbles reminded me of some that pop up on Boards to ID so thought I would post the picture here since there are 25 of them with differing views and patterns. These are all 31/32 so they are larger ones. But ,we have seen smaller versions over the years.
  16. I agree - oxblood and probably Akro
  17. Eggyolk Oxblood (Grant's picture from Jan 2014)
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