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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Obviously it takes at least a couple bidders really wanting it to drive up the price but also Alan had a good reputation as a seller and more people kept an eye on what he was listing. Also, as an aside, looks a lot like some of newer run marbles to people not familiar with CA's.
  2. Finally getting back to this post. Here are some Japan bags that I have - Camel brand - various headers and 'printed on' bags over the years.
  3. That seam is odd - I was thinking Akro at first but maybe even an odd Master?
  4. Just got back from vacation last night and saw this thread. Steph, do you want me to post all of the 3000 pictures (one of each bag)??? LOL! I'll post some of the 'advertising' bags first - hanger bags from various beverage companies aAlphabetical order) and I'll leave out the Coke & Pepsi ones.
  5. Thanks for posting the information, Ron. Looking forward to seeing it.
  6. Thanks for sharing the pics - looks like a lot of fun was had...
  7. Not sure on Moonies but the marble pics are probably artist renderings so...?
  8. Nice article on the show - thanks for posting!
  9. I think someone brought up that there had been some forgeries of this small box in the past. Also that marbles were normally slags?
  10. There are all kinds of indicators with fake/fantasy bags but one of the primary ones is that the old headers were usually two-color headers (meaning one color ink on a colored header paper), not the multicolor headers like on the one Galen showed. Multicolor printing back in the 50's and 60's was expensive. Pepsi was one of the first ones to have the muticolor header.
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