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Everything posted by Jeff54

  1. Don't recall those exact colors in em but do look like 1985 Champion: New old fashions.
  2. A little late to the Kro party. Old photo about 20 years ago. There are two ribbons on this 1" Corkscrew and twisted 1-1/2 times; Peachy!:
  3. I should add Fire, now that you have an single seam amber based Guinea, albeit major chips taken out, you should understand that, you got the colors whereas it should be used as an easy reference to compare any CAC Guinea now.
  4. To me, as I own some and seen many, many: it's a poorly made imitation or who ever made it, intently did so, it's easy to see it's not CAC or old.
  5. Looks Blue on black stretching from wide to narrow across so, it's not a patch that MK did. And the 2nd photo of it. I do not think that, even a contemporary marble artist has been able to produce 3 fingers. And agree, not a good photo either way U looks at em.
  6. A bit unusual for the metal ribbon Champs as, they'll have much more translucent white and clear with a deeper blue ribbon meandering in it. Or opaque white, blue ribbon and metal. Range of variation: probably not very many in transparent blue like yours.
  7. Jeff54


    Top left, MK Maybe. Top right, Likely Master. Bottom left??? Bottom right, MK best guess.
  8. I don't see the connection to Jabo, Reno Fall frenzy in the group I found online. Link below Yet, one single group of 30 does not the whole of possibilities: (link below) https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/images1/1/1013/06/group-30-marbles-jabo-reno-fall_1_c9ab17f187a714f19346117cb249e155.jpg And link to the worthpoint sale offering: GROUP OF 30 MARBLES JABO RENO FALL FRENZY 3/4 MINT 7-15-2013 | #474198099 (worthpoint.com)
  9. Jeff54

    3/4 Cork

    I'm surprised that I remember this name; Green, red and yellow is an Akro Lifesaver. Stick some white in there, it becomes a special or hybrid.
  10. Yeah, you can see the HG mark on the left brick @ 9 O'clock in her photo below. Melissa just doesn't know how to angle her marbles to show it yet. However, you can also see a thin whip tail and other features in her photos that chinch the deal: it's got the whirl and 9 pattern that's HG. It's just a little trickery for average HG marble to spot.
  11. That determination between MFC and Akro is too difficult to access. However, it is thought by Bob Block that Akro's bricks have white as a factor.. {edit: I meant to say MFC's bricks have white, not Akro} He (and I don't mean to bash Bob, he's a good guy but my opinion only) even goes so far to illustrate Akro as the most boring red, near lack of Oxblood mixes U ebber seen. Personally, I doubt that but, without any facts, it works for assumptive purposes. Yet, I also do not like to Assume. (Ass-U-and-Me). Regardless, go with the flow verses an up hill battle is applicable too. Hand gathered becomes an option too, while yours are HG, Akro made both, hand gathered and streamed non hand gathered so, MFC does have points for HG when trying to figure the mystery out.
  12. So, this was in a crock pot in the early 90's along with sets of Peltier's, Akro's a few CAC's and other sets that some IDK, VWS and others where all the sets are mint, except the few CAC. There were some played with marbles, but there where 3-5 marbles in a set of different companies I grouped up, the sets were mint. I was advertising in the free adds of the Big nickel. An elder lady called and said she'd wanted $50 for her marbles which I told her, I'd have to see them first. When I got there, she began saying I was a collector, and her husband was one whom had passed. The she tried selling me baseball bats, gloves and balls. She was saying how much she hated her husband because he was a collector and left her with all this stuff. There were lots of collectibles of all shorts. She was asking me: How much would I pay for the bats and other things. I knew they were old for sure but, I don't know bats, I told her. Poor lady was such a nag, I stopped her and asked, about the marbles. I was getting annoyed about her ranting. So, when I saw the old dusty crock 3/4 filled finally, I hardly but brushed a few marbles, on the top; saw a cork or two, a slag or so and replied" "You want $50 for this?" In a stern manor, she said" "Yes!" I gave her the money and it took IDK about 10 more minutes to get out of there, mannerly. After I left, I'd realized; Because of her attitude, I hadn't really looked at them so, I pulled over, began checking a little and a mint Lemon aide oxblood popped right up. Later at home, it all became obvious that crock had not been touched since the 1930-40's. I kind of felt a little bad because, had she not been so annoying, I would have spilled that crock, sorted them and paid her a fair price. Regardless, an old crock like that is one for the dreamers. I'll never forget her saying: "You are a collector, I feel sorry for your wife! My husband, Blah, Blah, Blaw!"
  13. There's like, zillions of what they typically call 'Foil clay' marbles in Germany, France and England. I have a 100 or so, a few different than others. However, never actually collected them as they are like free junk inside purchases of miscellaneous group marble sales in Ebay from these countries. I guess one could try collecting different styles or variation, big and small as I recall, can get up to an inch or so, but I've never seen anybody do it. Not that I look for them but come up often enough so, I mean, I've never seen a collection of the different types.
  14. I agree as well. And as far as selling, regrettably, postage would be higher than the total worth of them all. They're to common and or new, from a collector's perspective, valueless junk.
  15. Not Veggies nor Jabo but are versions of 'Horsehair, which is what, a couple for the WVS team: Alley?
  16. For this Crow's nest Friday I have a pair which are a classification that I think is fallen from popularity and identification. The oddities and different variations of the Akro Hero and Unique. This first 'Green Eye Unique' Came from Roger Harty's collection some time in the 1990's. And, the second; 'Cherry Snowflake' I've had so long I can't remember if it was dug-up or I'd found in the wild, but think, wild. Both of these types though, considered the best of the flock, are usually like an eye patched verity and typically brown, as the center patch is. The brown patch is the difference between ordinary Akro or whoever's that claim to be a 'Unique'. The shade of transparent brown, yet can vary from thinner light and thicker dark as many colors will, sets it apart from ordinary patched and white marbles. In this Cherry Snowflake, it's been so long and there are not stock boxes that I can find on the net any more to confer why I concluded, it's a Hero yet, it is very similar to the 'Unique' specials like Harty's 'Eye' variation. While I recall taking these photos around the same time, Luckily the Green eye's is still pretty decent graphics, but the snowflake graphics are not the same. Regardless, it's still a Crow ;
  17. I'd suggest that shade of white is more inline with the shades discovered in the Akro HG dug-up slags around 2004. Not to imply it's dug-up, but those that were, are enlightening where many of the whites are more translucent and or not as bright. Pretty much old school regarding CAC red slags, I believe because there were more original boxes in circulation, like 30-40 years ago, that CAC would have a strong bright white. Yet, actually, as time has passed and more and more slags gained interest whereas, in the 1980's they were considered junk. It's very difficult to be certain who made what. When it comes to being considered 'Electric' and CAC slag there's 2 options in the old school category. One would be a bright orange and white where the transparent orange stands out above others which is quite hard to find, as red slags can blend with the white and seem orangey. Yours is showing hints of orange in the photo but is moreover red. Red slags are not considered 'Electric' A CAC hand gathered slag that is so called 'Electric orange with white will virtually jump out in any slag collection yet they are not what is generally regarded as 'Electric' these days, albeit inside an original box of CAC slags the brilliant orange is so unique, one can understand why they got and still retain the designation. The seconded is certainly Electric opaque colors of red and yellow blending together to create orange, in clear colorless too clear that's a little seedy and toned colorless which today are called striped transparent or swirls that are simply, very rare. It is the blending of yellow and red that causes them to be so bright and stand out as 'Electric'. Yet, when it comes to regular slags, saying who made what, Akro, MFC, Peltier, CAC or, is virtually rocket science where 'Feelings' or simple 'opinions' take precedence. For perhaps a better understanding, here's an illustration and photographs of a pair, (on left is 29/32" and right 7/8") Electric orange CAC marbles that have the seedy Clear colorless toned, I made over 20 years ago. It was just about the period when collectors were transitioning from 'Old school' identifications and separating differences of these types; if slags or swirls?. Hence, is why I used the term 'Electric Orange Swirl/Slag'. Graphics for the age I made this, are low pixels so, not so good in today's higher pixels but should be decent enough to get the 'Electric' concept in picture:
  18. Fodder to the fire: I have a presumably 1960's from Paden City dump site, Dug up Marble King, 1" solid black with the same white (translucent/semi-opaque) patch.
  19. I think you've already solved this: "shellac finish, which comes off with an alcohol wipe." = Fake ;(
  20. You have 12 frames Joe. Yet I think I get your meaning now. You mean there's only 2 marbles. The top 6 frames are 1 and bottom 6 frames are the 2nd marble. That 1st marble looks like one of a Sparkler that Bill, who passed recently, had/has. Regardless, If I'm understanding what you mean then, 'There's only 2 marbles.' In that case I'd dump the 2nd marble and keep the top.
  21. That's really something, it's appears to be the Japanese type. Never seen a Japan transition go all horizontal like that.
  22. Huh?. I said that Mine is green. I'd shoot a photo but I don't think it will pick up the translucent green striations, rather just look green that you can't see through. And I meant to correct my last post. It doesn't go vertical, I meant to say diagnal. . Now imagine that: 'Diagonal' through the center, who ever heard of a marble doing that?
  23. That's some kind of Sparklers. I'm going to half to pick. Row 1, 2, 3 and 4 because they look like a same run set which, in that case, it's one group, not to be separated. So, I pick that one. 😀
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