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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. The base glass kinda threw me too. I think the green is just a result of where the yellow thins out over the base. But I'm no expert... Regardless of a name, it's def Pelt, huh? Cool beans!
  2. Listed as a Tri-Lite, which I disagree with, but what is it? Vitro? Akro (I'm leaning towards beach ball type Akro patch). 0.629" I made a knee jerk purchase thinking it to be a Vitro of some sort, but whatever it is, like it!
  3. Exactly 5/8ths I took it for granted it was a Pelt, now I'm not so sure. I think I'm in ID overload.
  4. Thanks. I knew it! Now I'm seeing why folks get so hung up on names.
  5. 9/16ths. Is this just a fluke where all the vanes are on 1/2 of the marble or was this done on purpose? It's a strange question, but I swear I saw one that someone had it described like it was special in some way. Probably just trying to make a buck on the bay.
  6. Just a little over 1" w/ a little opal floating in clear glass at one pole.
  7. I can see why you had to have this one. Gorgeous!
  8. Are there any that stick out here as NOT being a Jabo Classic? They are all 1/2" to 9/16" or thereabouts. Thanks!
  9. Are there any that stick out here as NOT being a Jabo Classic? They are all 1/2" to 9/16" or thereabouts. That 5th one is sporting more than just a little butt crack. Heh. Thanks!
  10. Are there any that stick out here as NOT being a Jabo Classic? They are all 1/2" to 9/16" or thereabouts. Thanks!
  11. How can I tell the difference on this marble? 9/16ths There's an as made messed up spot there as well. Thanks
  12. What a tremendous loss to his family and the marble collecting family as a whole. My deepest condolences to his loved ones. This is a sad day indeed.
  13. Just WOW! Girl, you got game, cause you are scoring some fantastic marbles!!
  14. I think you just may be correct!!
  15. 25/32nds Kinda like a twisted up cat, but the ghost like wispy filaments are making me think otherwise.
  16. Holy smokes. That's A LOT of marbles. Just astounding
  17. Thanks! I love that they are so full. Not much extra base glass.
  18. Tha variety in these Vitros can keep me busy for years! Thank you!
  19. 9/16ths Trying to find it's family members to group together. Stumped again.
  20. 1/2 ‐ a peewee! This one has a clear base, but it's pretty much all covered in white. There is a very light lavender, almost gray-looking, and 2 diff shades of blue, with one just being 1/2 and under the other blue patch. I had with my tiger eyes. Am I right on this one?
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