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The Nickel Guy

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Everything posted by The Nickel Guy

  1. As promised, better pictures. All sides shown. they can be seen larger. Open image in new tab. Best I can do with these 1 inch marbles. Still would like to know the maker and when manufactured. Yes I agree any marbles can or could be used in these lamp parts. Marble One Marble Two
  2. I could make up a story living here in PA but the truth is it was in the garbage pile at a house down our street. Decades ago I stopped the car to dumpster dive for something else which I don't remember what it was now that caught my eye. Old people lived in a house down our street and they moved out for the nursing home. My wife actually joined me and she found it and handed it to me. The smaller ones (I think) were in with a marble lot I bought long ago.
  3. I have breakfast every day 1 item from each A B C and D below. No lunch, and eat medium size supper. A. 3 eggs scrambled or poached on toast or fried over medium or an American cheese omelet. B. Bacon or Scrapple or Corn Beef Hash or sometimes a ham slice C. English Muffin or waffle or blueberry pancake. or sometimes a bagel D. Large Cold Chocolate Milk or COLD 2% milk.
  4. The big one on the left is about 3 inches, I don't know much about these.
  5. Hang in there for pictures. Not tonight, Best I set aside time rather than just post more quick shots of the same. Thanks for the response.
  6. Very similar but not exactly the same lampshade holders. Two orange / peach white base marbles were in them. They are about an inch or so in diameter. Can anyone tell me who made these marbles? They are nice and undamaged. The lamp parts appear to be from the 1930's or 1940's. Thanks
  7. A friend of mine made both my wife and I keychain bracelets with clay beads a long time back already. Being a marble nut I asked if she could pull a few before putting holes through them for my collection. She was on a kick for awhile making gifts for her people, I forgot I asked her but after time passed she handed me these one day out of the blue. The white one glows strongly after being held under a light. These are very hard but feel somewhat light compared to a glass marble same size. I guess most are about 3/4 inch in diameter.
  8. Thank you kindly. I think I have a majority that could be Ravenswood Swirls in the above picture or is it generally just good enough to say they are simply WV Swirls? In a lot like I have there are certainly some that are better than others. Some have more eye appeal, an odd color combination, or cool pattern. If I had to pick my favorite 5 or 10 and leave the rest, I think it could be done within a half hour.
  9. I have sorted my marbles a little better. These seem to be of the same style. I would bet numerous marble companies might be represented here and made this type. Please tell me if I am on the right track to identify further.
  10. After a couple decades of no new marble purchases I discovered JABOs Some glow under blacklight. What names the 5/8 ones have or run they all are I'll probably never know except the Fancy Ones in the boxes which are larger, Here's all my recent snags. I guess the patterns are starting to get to me. Third Row second one down . . . .
  11. A very nice welcome from you people. Thank you! My first marbles I'll be taking pictures of will probably turn out to be West Virginia Swirls. I'll be getting around to it near the end of the week. I do have them somewhat sorted.
  12. Hiya I think I have about 17 paperweights in a bookcase. My favorite might be that satin one in the right front corner.
  13. Howdy dooo! I have a small collection of marbles. I like them. I think I have maybe have about 700 in all. My name is The Nickel Guy because I collected Jefferson Nickels for many years. Might as well stick with it. My favorite marbles are probably Akro Agate Corkscrews. Lately I have been collecting Jabo Marbles. Thank you for the forum to learn from.
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