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The Nickel Guy

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Everything posted by The Nickel Guy

  1. Next will be the Opaque White Base and solid blue colored corkscrews. Some might be a bit translucent white?
  2. Here's a few more Opaque White Base and solid orange-red colored corkscrews. I am thinking this is a very common color combination for this Akro Agate Corkscrew and probably just a variation of the red ones above.
  3. I'll post them here as we go along. I'll start with Opaque White Base and solid colored corkscrews. Feel Free To Post Yours Too! Red on white Just a note before I go too far. I have noticed that some of my corkscrews are more like a slug crawling over the surface. It seems if they were intended to be screws, they did not turn as intended in the making. I'll mention any if they are in the pics. These are all corkscrews in nice condition pole to pole, some of course better than others but these pass the test I think. Same marbles, 2 different pictures. Two of these are larger than the rest and deeper in red and very nice examples. ( top two )
  4. The area of that orange-red patch is translucent and beneath it you can see a bit of the opaque striped base color. See top right. Hard to photograph this but it is somewhat redder and whiter in hand. Your average common size marble. probably 5/8th inch. I'm thinking Akro
  5. I think we have an orange and red All Red Black Line that has a bit of a twist here.
  6. Sorry then. I thought West Virginia marbles was a more general catagory and that there were more specific marble factories that fell under it. Ooops
  7. I just took a group picture of what I am told are mostly Alley Agate and Ravenswood Swirls. That would be W Va. wouldn't it?
  8. I see some similar marbles listed as Heaton or Ravenswood and even Akro Agate but I think it is a Vitro marble. Can you help me on this with some explanation. I really like it, I like the colors together. Thank you.
  9. it has 3 colors on an opaque white base instead of two ( and not being a black line ) what do we call this one? A three color All Red? Reminds me of an olive with a pimento stuffing if I hold it just so. bottom right
  10. (Marble King) Thank you! and . . . The blue one on the right is translucent. Here's a better picture of it.
  11. I do like the colors of this one that I haven't posted yet. I think it is a West Virginia Swirl but which company and any nickname, I do not know. It's a bit of an eye catcher in person, my pictures are not so good. Late EDIT Turns out this one has a few votes on being a Heaton Sweet Potato
  12. Not strictly yellow and black but I see them like mine and being called such. I only have 2.
  13. I have been trying to ID the marbles in my posts instead of always asking. Hope the title says it all. Three of them.
  14. With those posable arms, Godzilla could be holding one too! Thanks for posting! Here's 6 yellow and reddish-orange Black Line Vitros.
  15. Another lot of nine, this time they are Black Line Vitro with Red ( A little bit orange-red ) and Blue poles.
  16. I suppose these are all quite common, I remember them as well as cats eyes when I actually played marbles in the (dirt) school yard close to 60 years ago. For that reason, this is why I like them. I know dollar value is minimal but to me, it's not about money. Anyway, I think I will keep posting here until I get them all in one thread. They must not have been used much if at all. Condition is excellent. I guess I have maybe 30 or 40 various ones at the most. Feel free to post yours as well. I would appreciate it. I'll start out with these three Red White and Blue "All Reds". Two are a bit orangey red but the end one is deeper in color.
  17. Such beautiful examples in this department. Holy smokes! Hope I can contribute next Sunday if I remember. I might just have something that I can post here.
  18. This smaller marble on the right and also in a second photo showing closer views. There is a very noticeable crease where the clear and yellow/amber color is supposed to fill in that gap. There is no damage and I wonder how this could have happened? Maybe two different temperatures in the mix? ID would be appreciated. 1/2 inch or maybe just a tad larger. THANKS!
  19. I just got done taking pictures of "swirls" Best I have been informed was that they were generally West Va Swirls, mostly Ravenswood and Alley. I just posted a similar marble in the past couple days that got ID'ed as a possible Vacor Samurai. Here are two views of 9 similar purple and white marbles.
  20. When I saw this title I was expecting damaged marbles. Nice colors.
  21. Maybe the backside can help identify it. I like it though.
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