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The Nickel Guy

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Everything posted by The Nickel Guy

  1. (Marble King) Thank you! and . . . The blue one on the right is translucent. Here's a better picture of it.
  2. I do like the colors of this one that I haven't posted yet. I think it is a West Virginia Swirl but which company and any nickname, I do not know. It's a bit of an eye catcher in person, my pictures are not so good. Late EDIT Turns out this one has a few votes on being a Heaton Sweet Potato
  3. Not strictly yellow and black but I see them like mine and being called such. I only have 2.
  4. I have been trying to ID the marbles in my posts instead of always asking. Hope the title says it all. Three of them.
  5. With those posable arms, Godzilla could be holding one too! Thanks for posting! Here's 6 yellow and reddish-orange Black Line Vitros.
  6. Another lot of nine, this time they are Black Line Vitro with Red ( A little bit orange-red ) and Blue poles.
  7. I suppose these are all quite common, I remember them as well as cats eyes when I actually played marbles in the (dirt) school yard close to 60 years ago. For that reason, this is why I like them. I know dollar value is minimal but to me, it's not about money. Anyway, I think I will keep posting here until I get them all in one thread. They must not have been used much if at all. Condition is excellent. I guess I have maybe 30 or 40 various ones at the most. Feel free to post yours as well. I would appreciate it. I'll start out with these three Red White and Blue "All Reds". Two are a bit orangey red but the end one is deeper in color.
  8. Such beautiful examples in this department. Holy smokes! Hope I can contribute next Sunday if I remember. I might just have something that I can post here.
  9. This smaller marble on the right and also in a second photo showing closer views. There is a very noticeable crease where the clear and yellow/amber color is supposed to fill in that gap. There is no damage and I wonder how this could have happened? Maybe two different temperatures in the mix? ID would be appreciated. 1/2 inch or maybe just a tad larger. THANKS!
  10. I just got done taking pictures of "swirls" Best I have been informed was that they were generally West Va Swirls, mostly Ravenswood and Alley. I just posted a similar marble in the past couple days that got ID'ed as a possible Vacor Samurai. Here are two views of 9 similar purple and white marbles.
  11. When I saw this title I was expecting damaged marbles. Nice colors.
  12. Maybe the backside can help identify it. I like it though.
  13. Yepper ! Same as mine I bet., especially that middle one. Maybe we will both find out what they are now from somebody else.
  14. Closest example I could find from a recent link provided by Chad G. where I posted yesterday about another Vacor. Maybe I got this one? Vacor Samurai?
  15. I hope I am not a bother, but as long as you kind people keep helping, if I can't figure it out, I'll keep asking. I thought this might be Akro.
  16. I hope so. The general look of it made me think it was related to the pee wee twins I posted recently. It just looked like it was made in a similar way but with only one color. See here
  17. Opaque base (appears black to me) with red swirl. I am guessing Vacor I like this one a lot, probably about 5/8 in diameter.
  18. I am going to guess this is a Master Marble Co, other than that it has a couple nicks and a bruise seen in right bottom. The seam is obvious in that corner photo as well? Am I right? Thanks
  19. Probably 1/2 inch in diameter, a very nice marble that I would like to call a "Wire Pull" but the blue-ish white thread might be too thick. Hey what do I know? This one does not appear to have been played with much. Great shape and one in my collection that certainly jumps out at me. Top left almost looks like the number 575 doesn't it? Wonder who made this one?
  20. So I think I got this one (first two actually) correct. Peltier Peerless Patches ? Is there oxblood color involved in these ? and ( Looks a lot like Fire1981's avatar species ) Now I know this one is not a patch. I think I recall reading about that little straight line in upper right hand corner view that is am identifier for the maker. Again, oxblood? Thank you all kindly. Going to keep bringing them questions and pics as long as they are welcome.
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