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Everything posted by Kokoken

  1. I know John is a super nice guy, but with each marble he makes my Christensen Agate collection declines in value - now and forever.
  2. Size 4 box is quite rare and it is in very good shape. marbles look to be mintish, too, even though common colors. Worth some $$$$$$$$$ Let's be positive
  3. I have never seen that type before. Has anyone ? Is it legit ? On ebay now ( I don't know how to link it here.)
  4. Seriously, I don't have the best eye for this sort of thing. Some people see a seam where I don't. I suppose maybe there is a tail on some seamed CA's but I sure don't see a tail on any single seamed examples of mine. Lots of people see evidence of hand gathering when I don't either. That's just my "eye" I guess. No, I did not look at CA slags. Those boxes are in my safe deposit box.
  5. marbles 34, See my posts from a few weeks ago for some pics. Here are a couple of my guineas. Yes, the big one is real. kokoken
  6. I just interviewed 198 striped opaques and 86 guineas and asked them where their seams were located. The choices for answers were 1) very close together 30 degrees , 2) somewhat close together 120 degrees and 3) opposite each other 180 degrees 4) only one seam. Striped opaques Guineas 30 degree 5 % 5 % 60 degree 12 % 9 % 180 degree 68 % 50 % only one seam 15 % 36 % What the conclusions of the survey are I have no idea except to say that if seams are the result of the cutter's action when it goes across the stream of glass, why are there so many CA's with only one seam ?
  7. The largest one I have pictured is .71 inch which is way below an inch. In my opinion, VERY few Christensen Agates are 3/4 inch and Very rarely are they any larger.
  8. Love the large, clear based on the most. Beat up on a former employee, eh ? Lets see, even if she hired in at age 12 in 1930, she would be 91 years old today. You should be ashamed. Oh yes, in the first post, I loved the second from last mib - a very unusual combination.
  9. Thanks so much, Joe. My observation at the show was that the quality of the mibs was unusually high as was the knowledge level of the people. The people were also very open in sharing their knowledge. I think I learned more at this show than any other show. Maybe it was the Hoosier hospitality.
  10. I agree watching bidders was fun. I have never found a good marble in the wild, darn it. I have always paid top dollar from all the reputable dealers. Also, Les Jones lived just 60 miles from me and he sometimes gave me first crack at nice Chrissies
  11. Morphy's Auction the end of February has the best bunch of handmades I have ever seen. A one of a kind teal sulfide with two lovebirds and some large naked ribbon cores are a couple of the best. The auction catalog is ready for on line viewing. The auction estimate for some of them are $ 4000 to $ 6000.
  12. Some of my favorites. Thanks you Bill Tow. I hope no one tells me these are Jabos or contemporaries. ENJOY !!!!!!!
  13. I am planning on attending Friday evening.
  14. There is not any yellow on the one with Salmon. It has dark blue, baby blue, the browwnish purple and a neat, thin line of green........ no white.
  15. I can feel the seams and the white smells right.
  16. At the risk of being positive on this board, I think it is legitimately CAC and at $ 190 a real bargain........... Just my opinion and I don't know much.
  17. My noise makers. Care to count the "V" 's ????????
  18. I can hear those beautiful parrots squawking here in Indiana.
  19. Kokoken

    Coral Swirls

    That last pic attributed to Les is new and interesting to me because of my respect for his fine eye. I have a bunch of these that I am going to look at more closely. When I first started buying them, I paid high CA prices then lower Champion prices. They are beautiful, for sure.
  20. Could we see a pic or two ? Pretty please with sugar on it.
  21. I can't say that I look for adventurine in my CA's but maybe I will. I did see a CA that was loaded with adventurine one time. It was at New Philly and belonged to an advanced collector who was quite proud of it. It had so much adventurine that the surface was grainy in appearance even though it felt smooth. The marble was almost all black and not very appealing to my eye, at least. ........... another chapter in Arnold Fiedler's chemistry book.
  22. I will be there Friday evening......... very nice hotel/motel !!
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