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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. ditto to chuck and the show. always a fun time there. and also got to see some private collections that were pretty hefty. nancy frier of alox attended. very nice person and very involved. picked up a few too ... and got out the door with a .. wee .. that was sought after .. bill
  2. wouldn't it be nice steve if they would put their initials on them ... be safe. bill
  3. wouldn't it be nice steve if they would put their initials on them ... be safe. bill
  4. bubba's rite on pen. pennsboro alley. a fav. color combo for me. bill
  5. .. oh yes i did bub ... ole puter said .. message sent ... that's the whole truth ... bill
  6. ole craig is real .. mibs too .. and i've got some of craigs boxes. 1st. class .... bill
  7. 1/4 mile from the illinois river .. should be an interesting spring steve. see if that flood ins. is good .. bill
  8. the one's i have do craig. but the picure you post . does it have a more clear base than opallesant base of the opal ? if so, then your marble would be in the blush patterns labeled .. kurly blush .. this info. will be added in more detail to the alley post by ric in the near future. also, my kurlys do fluorese. hope this helps. bill ... here's 2 patterns of kurly ...
  9. ron .. all, thanks so much for the kind thoughts. i finally made it home.har .. i've had a 7 and 9 yr. olds for 3 WHOLE days ... mom .. baby evan ray .. and har .. dad are doing fine. they should be home by monday .. and the fun begins .. not a pic yet, but this one really shows what moms and dad think of this bouncing .. 7#13oz's .. baby boy .. thanks again .. bill
  10. as all know, the box is phony. but emailed the man, and .. surprise .. blew me off bill
  11. "71, in the san fernando valley wasn't too shabby either .. bill
  12. very good possibility on that marble. akro started out with people and techniques from m.f.c. it has all the marks of m.f. ... i consider this one of mine an early, handgathered example. albeit the " 9". but .. har .. i've heard, never seen, that m.f.c. ... did have orange ... har. also a clear base with the 9 and tail. bill
  13. here's 3 differant examples of alley cobalt, thin ribbons .. fat ones ... in the glass, on top, lots of variations. but very similiar in the pics. can't get all 3. will edit. or try. bill
  14. not quite a fedora .. but he's still friendly .. bill
  15. and share you did dani ... don't stop showcasing the wild ones, that for some reason didn't make it to the street. purists are in all endeavors, but shouldn't stop what is relevant, and to me ... awesome and beautiful examples. thanks for your efforts. bill
  16. and a very nice example too ... bill
  17. ... :happy-857: .... and a grin too ..... bill
  18. hi dani. up and running again. couldn't pm you, would you email me concerning a topic of mutual concern. thanks. bill
  19. not too shabby ric. send it to me and i'll ... uhhhh ... check it out for ya ... if i'm not swimmin in the river ... bill
  20. got some elephants steve. somewhere. i'm movin and stuff is ... somewhere .... i don't see the scruff mark on the bottom dani. gotta have it. i'll be back .... when this movin is done. be safe all ... marble on. bill
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