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Everything posted by disco005

  1. That last is one crazy marble Ann love it Akro Onyx, one Auger
  2. That is absolutely gorgeous, it literally looks like honey and makes me want a cup of hot tea
  3. Wow, I really like that Orange and Green jeeperman, sweet! I just received this one in the mail today, this made my year. A purple Ace 17/32"
  4. It was so much fun, and I just realized, no where in my first post did I mention what it was the Daytona 500. Always a good time
  5. you are relentless! I promise, if I ever were to feel that need, you are first on the list! Those are some pretty nice Akros there bumblebee!
  6. I'm really in love with that top right Akro in your photo
  7. Yet too precious to become trash. I love this bumblebee <3 This one has annealing fractures, but looks like it was also in the ring a few times. It would definitely be one of my favorites. Green, blue and yellow on wispy white. 5/8"
  8. Well technically, we were watching this yesterday Chuck and I, and my girlfriend and her mom, at the race, it was perfect weather!
  9. disco005


    Sweet blue eyelashes !
  10. YAH! Thank you both! I LOVE the base glass on this one.
  11. I'm hoping Akro ..... always lol
  12. Ditto what JDing said. Here are some new ones I've received in the last week, not too certain about the top right one so I'll post it in the ID section
  13. I have to know John...... No light spots or reflections, how did you do it? longer exposure?
  14. This one made me swear! That is an insane marble, very nice Galen.
  15. I would love to find one in the wild! Especially one of the deeper red ones.
  16. A new one I just received in the mailbox a 1" Cat that looks like it has oxblood, or some sort of metal reaction on the outside. I wasn't sure from the photos when I bought it if maybe the brown/ox/whatever was painted on, because it sure looked textured. And it is, I can feel the texture, but there is some of the color below the surface too, which you can kind of see in the fourth photo, so whatever it is, it's part of the marble.
  17. Excellent color description And I agree about the color being unusual! In that second photo, the comparison photo, it looks almost like the base glass is a very light blue. Very nice marbles.
  18. Hahahahahahahaha! This literally made me spit my drink out
  19. haha! Thanks Bob Migbar, those Pelts are fabulous! I think I have twin to the marble in the middle of the last photo Here's another 13/16" Onyx
  20. Thanks guys, I was very happy opening that one. ^^ 5/8" and a 13/16" Popeyes The marble with more white has a completely clear bubbly base. I like a lot of clear glass in a Popeye, I suppose that's why I'm partial to the Spirals
  21. Mibstified, I keep coming back to this thread to look at your "Carolina Panther" mib It's beautiful, what is it?
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