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Everything posted by disco005

  1. So, is "Inky" an actual title of a marble, or is it just a description, an adjective? and does it only apply to the dark bluish color, like india ink? Or only to a certain brand of marble? Is this considered an Inky? I've looked around a little, but haven't found anything really on Inky.
  2. Browns, Reds and a white cork with a greenish underbelly, which is a little hard to capture in a photo. On an amber bubbly base.
  3. Hmm, I'm not certain that's a limeade, I've always pictured limeades with the yellowish lemonade looking base with green and wispy white running through it? It looks like your's fits Alan's definition though: "Ade" corkscrews are identified by their base glass of translucent off-white mixed with wispy opaque white. I could be wrong there, hopefully someone who is more knowledgable with names/definitions will chime in here.
  4. My dad won these in a carnival 50 years ago = I just made this yesterday
  5. Very curious. Seems like a lot of extra work and a lot of trouble. They are beautiful, but it's seems so wrong.
  6. Ausman, that thin red is a difficult one to find I think, very nice! sclsu, that one incher sure looks to me like an Akro, both ends of the cork the blue and while also definitely looks like an Akro as well.
  7. Hi Nantucketdink - glad you are here I collect Akro, but have only collected for about ten years, always learning, always wanting more. I also enjoy just sharing what I have, and what I find. I consider you a serious Jabo guy, and thank you for that, I know very little about them so far. -Jess
  8. Those are gorgeous Winnie, especially that eggyolk shooter and the two color patch! And the green and white patch, okay! all of them Bumblebee, I would LOVE to see that opalescent and orange corkscrew, I only have one opalescent corkscrew, it's yellow.
  9. Ann - my address : 123 Main Street sclsu, would still love to see them any and all Akros
  10. disco005


    I agree, don't like cooked spinach at all, but I think it's more of a texture thing for me. I love raw spinach. One thing that everyone (all my female friends anyway) seem to love is the smell of cucumber soaps or lotions. I never have, it smells bitter to me. I love cucumbers, but don't think the "perfumed" cucumber smells or tastes anything like the real thing.
  11. Of the bazillion different combinations. My two favorites. 1"
  12. Umm, thanks guys? Cranky pants and peacemaker I know there have been many a "discussion" over Ringers and Aces, so I'll keep my peace. Ace!
  13. Took me a while to figure out how to get a decent back lighting photo... No orange in the base. 11/16"
  14. I can't figure this one out, I can't tell if the blue is affecting the color of the base or not. I want to say the base is transclucent white base, almost a mooney type base with no color, but you're right, it looks like it's reflecting pinkish on my screen, there are no whispy white filaments running through it, The blue is a very light blue, remember that color in the crayon box - cornflower blue? That's what it makes me think of.
  15. Would this just be a Blue Ace? Or is there a name for this one?
  16. That is a cool idea I kind of like this opposite corkscrew direction, now I have a new reason to sort through what I do have again lol. I took a lot of photos over the weekend and just noticed the opposite corks in the photos. ( I'm still trying to find the best lighting )
  17. Hey cool, I found something.... it's from 2007, it states a research project was done, and resulted in a 50/50 split, on the left-to-right and the right-to-left corkscrew occurances. Hope this link works: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/7265-akro-stats-cork-counts/ So there's some information. I was curious about the frequency of one over the other. Here's another similar set sclsu - I'm still looking around, I don't know the answer to your question.
  18. I thought someone had mentioned this recently, but I couldn't find the post. These looked kind of cool displayed together.
  19. The feathering on that Oxblood is very curious, I'm thinking maybe polished ?
  20. Thanks Steph I think it's yellow, I took another pic (not really too in focus) to show the pole where the two ribbons/snakes meet. It sure looks yellow to me, but with that color base glass it can be tricky.
  21. Oh no! I remember my first "wish I wouldn't have sold that" lol Most of my purchases are online, and I don't really have the funds to battle for Oxbloods in auctions I found these in an antique store here.
  22. A Snake and an Auger. White split snake wrapping around the exterior and a tornado down the center 21/32"
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