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Everything posted by disco005

  1. This one went for a lot less than I thought it would, even with the annealing fractures, it's painful when you don't bid very high because you're pretty sure you can't afford it and it sells for much less than expected
  2. Yay for marble mail! Is a jorkscrew a Jabo that looks like a cork? I think I've read that term before ....
  3. The base of the one on the top right with the multi-blue cork is kind of strange as well, it also glows like crazy <3
  4. Thanks Steph ! It is a strange one, I was skeptical on the pictures from the auction, but so glad I bid on it now It glows like crazy! The cork of the UV base is not really evident in the photos, but it actually is pretty clear with a bright flashlight and magnifier. I love the unusual ones If I had more $$ I would probably break into the Pelt world Someday.
  5. These are beautiful, I've always loved the honey base <3 Thanks for sharing, one more to keep an eye out for!
  6. Well, I certainly don't $52K for one marble, or even $10K for a great looking gumball machine full of beautiful handmades, but here are a few of my recent acquisitions
  7. Wow! Great box! I'm curious about that blue on blue in the Ace row, far left gives me another reason to sort through my marbles lol
  8. Ooh I like those Wolverines!
  9. Just a couple unusual Akro Spirals The green has a separate green ribbon running down through the center of the marble.
  10. The yellow is a pretty fat ribbon, but I think of it as a Popeye. Thank you!
  11. Wish these colors had mixed well together, the annealing fractures in this
  12. Aww, I'm so sorry Steph. He was very lucky to have you , sounds like he had a great life. He looks like a little lion in that last photo.
  13. Hi Mike, glad you are well , welcome back
  14. A book on Cats would be great! I've started looking through my Cats, but have very little knowledge on them so far. Of course the hybrid ones are easy to pick out and are beautiful! But I've always put any Cats I've received into a coffee container, and now that it's full, I guess I should start sorting and learning them I love the idea of a pocket display box Chuck, it seems like only the select special mibs would go in there.
  15. Nice selection Chuck and such a cool display. This first one is 1 1/8" blue based. The second is 1", I like how small the diameter of the ribbons is.
  16. Dang, Aventurine is difficult to photograph. Holding it in hand, the petals look velvety and they are SO sparkly. Trying to capture that with a cell phone camera ...... ugh. 5/8"
  17. That's definitely sad and exciting at the same time. Sad to think of what may have made it to the dump but exciting with the stuff that was just found in Southern California! Imagine what else could be found. 5/8"
  18. Here they are - Spaghettis!
  19. I LOVE that the two clear red marbles are with the letter. Wow, the history there. This is an amazing find. Thank you for sharing!
  20. Those are fantastic! I especially like that one on the right, I think you are right with Akro, but I wouldn't necessarily call those pontil marks. I'll let others more knowledgeable than I call that though. Beautiful!
  21. Wow!! This is killing me, I only have my tiny phone screen to look at here at work a black pearlized patch?
  22. Doh! Vacor! Thanks Steph. Bob, one photo is with flash, one is without And the mystery bags are fun.... if the price is right ! I'll get some pics of the other colors tonight, when I get home , I think they look pretty cool
  23. Not quite sure what these are, got a fun "mystery swirls" ziploc bag off eBay, pretty interesting variety. These blue ribbons, sink down below the surface. There are others that are similar with white, yellow, pale orange, electric orange, and pale green ribbons on a clear base. 5/8" Thanks!
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