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Everything posted by disco005

  1. Oh no! I'm sorry you have to buy more marbles! Gosh, that sounds terrible I love the Snakes! thank you for sharing
  2. Here's another late one to add. It has a duller, pocketwear surface, but also the surface texture. Not sure why that bottom left photo turned out so much more vivid than the other photos, maybe that's what all the photos would look like with a tripod? I like the Ivory color, thought it was unusual enough to add here.
  3. It's a great day for marblin' I see you beat me to it Chad! Fantastic Akros above, I especially like that Yellow snake. Spirals are my favorite. One thing about this lens, it makes pocket wear look like major damage, these look fine in hand. - A Red, Blue, and Green on Orange cork 21/32" - A light Blue cork on Brown with a metallic surprise I had no idea was there until these photos 19/32"
  4. Nice glower there! And I love striated clear glass. The lens itself is a 15x macro, there is also the digital zoom on the phone. The first photo below is the lens, the second and third are the digital zoom on my camera. I'm sure it would probably be clearer if I used a tripod though *Edit to add size: 19/32"
  5. So much Oxblood! I just received a new one yesterday, thought it would go nicely with ALL yours 11/16"
  6. I will take your advise on the Akro ware I spend enough on mibs. Beauties all, Chad, your 'basic' Akros I love them! In my mind, they're all almost a hundred years old, and were designed to be children's toys. I am charmed by all of them. Here is a new addition to my collection, there is so much going on with it I won't even try to give it an identifying name. I'm really just happy to call it mine lol. UV, corkscrew, Eggyolk, inky Blue, and it was sold to me as an Oxblood, which I'm cool with given the opaqueness in the Black light photo, there's at least a stripe of it.
  7. Ron, thank you for the description of mixing glasses/colors, always appreciate learning new information. I’m throwing this out here, I'm guessing that this grayish muddy clay color would be one of the undesired reactions caused by incompatible glass or colors mixing? -Jess
  8. That Brown and Blue is amazing!! I've never seen one like it. -Jess
  9. But definitely enjoying your photos! I see you both have the vase with the mini hand, that really caught my attention. I wonder if that is a mold of a child's hand, very neat and unique.
  10. I definitely do not have enough Akro ware Your collections are amazing! Special 5/8"
  11. Holy cow! Amazing collection of Akro ware And I see you like the Oxblood Very nice pics !! And thank you! Omgosh, I am having so much fun re-photo-ing all my marbles, it makes them seem new again lol
  12. Nice Blueblood! It's my favorite day of the week! Akro Friday This one is a little different. A metallic corkscrew 21/32"
  13. I envy you being part of that club. I knew I had seen it before, and remember it for the marble graphic displayed on the lighter :\ I do wish I had been a collector back then, but I only joined the 'Lower 48' in 1999 and started collecting marbles about 2004. When I start to think about it, even if I had started collecting earlier, I lived in Alaska. Before the internet. I probably had slim chances anyway
  14. Glassy clean surface on those Ric! I'm always amazed at marbles that have survived almost a hundred years in pristine condition. Beautiful. The last one in the photos below, the Yellow and Black, I love for the surface texture, although I still don't know what causes those loopy fractures in the third view of that Yellow and Black. -Jess
  15. Fantastic Akros! And that Collector's Club lighter is something else. I know I've seen one before, is this the only one Ron? Or were several made? -Jess
  16. Pink is definitely one of the rarest colors in Akro If you've got more of those, that is amazing. -Jess
  17. Thanks guys! Free is the best price Chad can't wait to see more photos! Love the lashes on the Yellow and Red cork, and the UV patch, outstanding, and great capture on the trail of micro bubbles down through the center of that Onyx. That last mib posted, I have one just like it, yours is the only other one I've seen, so cool!
  18. An early one I couldn't wait for tomorrow. This is my new favorite, I like that tail in the second photo, the Periwinkle trailing up over the Green on the right side of the photo. 11/16" -Jess
  19. Not very bold aventurine like the beautiful examples you all are sharing, but Akro AV. This was fun to discover.
  20. With an opaque marble and this lens, there are severe shadows with the one flashlight. I will probably try a second mini Maglite first, one on each side. Maybe that will help.
  21. Thank you! Not on a stand, I take my pictures on a black tshirt, that is what the marble is sitting on. I lay the light source, one of those very small led flashlights, on the same level as the marble. It works great for transparent based marbles, I'm still trying to figure out a lighting situation for opaque marbles.
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