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Everything posted by disco005

  1. Wow!! Those are gorgeous!! I need to get a good light source, those are great pics, thanks for sharing
  2. Woo Hoo! This made my weekend They came in a group of about 30, but these three really caught my eye. I really like the contrast of the red white and black marble and I think these are my only black and yellow corkscrews, if anyone has any with these colors, I'd love to see them Thanks for looking -Jess
  3. Cool Cats I'll have to start looking for cross throughs now. I used overcast skies with my bay windows for that pic, lol.
  4. Well, I just got really depressed, they were profiling rich people in America, and the "kid" who started Facebook is worth four billion, and he's 23 years old. Now why didn't I think of something like that?
  5. Well, after hours of searching through catseyes in the last couple days, I have a new healthy respect for them, and I have a new love - hybrid cats, these really are beautiful marbles. I have really only collected Akro for the last six years, but I might swing a little towards these for a bit. Not the best picture, I usually like to use sunlight, but we have a storm blowing through north Florida for the next day and a half, oh well. Anybody have any hybrids they'd like to share? -Jess
  6. It's funny, my whole family, including my great uncle, is on Facebook, great way to keep up with family. I was really surprised to see my uncle come on "friend request" he's 76 years old now I chat with my parents on Facebook mostly and play Bejeweled. If you haven't played that, don't start, it's very addicting, lol. -Jess
  7. Thank you for your responses guys I looked and looked but could not find it, I was hoping someone had maybe saved the list we made. It was probably about five or six years ago now, I didn't realize it had been that long. I do remember that the white cross-throughs were the more prevalent. I've just decided to finally tackle my Catseye jar, and it's big, a little intimidating actually, and didn't know where to start. -Jess (btw - cool avatar Pinx - is that a '79?)
  8. Hello everyone, A long time ago someone started a discussion / poll on rarity of color combinations for Catseyes, I was wondering if anyone still has that list, or might have an idea where I could start looking for it? I remember it being quite a collabrative effort. I have looked through the archives and used the search function, but have no idea what the topic was called. Thank you -Jess
  9. Thanks so much for everyone's input I did find another in the group, a yellow and green -Jess
  10. Hello everyone, I was wondering if I might get some help with ID'ing these, I think they're Atmospheres, but I wanted to get some more input. They are about an inch in size - Thanks!! -Jess
  11. Lol, I know better than that There is no way I would go out driving with these maniacs in the snow, they barely know how to drive in rain.
  12. I get to fire this up here in Florida woo hoo !
  13. Wow!! Those are great, that Chocolate in the top left corner is blowing me away
  14. Well, I don't really have any red and green marbles, this is the best I could come up with, beautiful marbles everyone!! -Jessica
  15. I honestly don't know the difference, I'm sorry. It has a light blue base, if that helps. -Jess
  16. I think I have one that is close to what you're showing, no white, just oxblood. Would you be interested in that?
  17. This was pretty difficult to photograph, but I love the texture on this corkscrew, it's almost like I can see the glasses being mixed ( or I suppose not mixing very well ). The white is also ridged in the corkscrew pattern where it touches the black, but I couldn't capture that in the photo. Anyone else have any cool textured marbles? -Jess
  18. I love the cool colors -Jess BT - Those are incredible!
  19. Wow!! I haven't been on too much recently, but i LOVE this thread, wonderful idea! I don't have a huge collection, but I have a couple sunsets, and a blue one that surprised me
  20. I think I've read somewhere about "lips" on a marble, was that Vitro? -Jess
  21. What is that last marble? the third picture ? Thanks -Jess
  22. Wow!! I just went to an auction recently and was surprised to find a jar of marbles up on the block, won it, but nothing even close to what you have there, mostly Vitro. Great score!! I'm having fun just looking through your pictures -Jess
  23. Just recently got this in the mail, it certainly ranks up there among my favorites, a fat Akro Onyx. -Jess
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