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Everything posted by lstmmrbls

  1. lstmmrbls


    Ann I think it is about a one in four thingy with how some folks bitter detectors work. Gin also always disgusted me? It was long ago in College I read the study about the taste bud thingy. YEEEHAAAAAAA!!!!! my brain still works, look what I found http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/inheritance/ptc/
  2. Transparent green is a possibility with some bricks
  3. The Japanese transitionals can actually have a smooth surface, small indent big curved rough cut line to a mass of spider web like cold rolls. The color and composition is the dead giveaway on this one. Winnie can verify they came with very varied cut offs
  4. Keep digging, you may be on to something. I believe there may have also been another name or two used for these types????
  5. lstmmrbls


    I have the genetic disposition that makes apple skins taste so bitter they are not palatable.
  6. Same marbles different names.. It seems several companies did it.
  7. See if you can scratch up some surface gunk with a new razor blade. And do not worry, contrary to what some folks think the blade will not scratch the glass
  8. What color is the base Back lighted? Dark Green? I think I remember that marble.
  9. The last couple pics sure look like signs something was done to the marble. Almost looks like one that has been coated in something
  10. Since they seem to only go in the 20-30 dollar range at shows I wouldn't expect to see fakes, but one never knows.
  11. I doubt they were supposed to use marbles but how could a kid resist!!!!
  12. Found these 2 big ones in Iowa. It was tough getting them in the carry on, but I managed. They go great with my collection of the normal sized ones like the white one.
  13. I think it has a better chance of being one of the so called Japanese Transitionals. I see a big spidery cut off not a melted pontil. Nothing about it looks "Leighton" to me?
  14. https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=i.c.s.a.&biw=1536&bih=758&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=r6SDVYetOIS3sAW454PIBQ&ved=0CEYQsAQ In other words, I have no idea but have been looking for quite some time
  15. Just one that's the original with its Mexican friends
  16. And here they are with their buddies. Mexican Pastels with American Pastels
  17. Waited a long time, and that was it??????????
  18. They always make me get a little excited. Kinda like , hey hey look , a Rainbow
  19. They still exist https://nuts.com/chocolatessweets/old-time-candy/wax-bottles.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&scid=scplp2862673&gclid=Cj0KEQjwkv-rBRDwoMLav-2l9KIBEiQAUTkDU_sRaEeoXNuk5B8w3c5Sn2uxXq4wghYrrg36mI4MvLAaAtJY8P8HAQ http://www.sweetservices.com/classic-candy-cigarettes.html?vfsku=17612&gpla=pla&gclid=Cj0KEQjwkv-rBRDwoMLav-2l9KIBEiQAUTkDUwvwX58NZ8rVw6p4saMQsRjW3uGw3r1Wmiy5LzEhjYEaAhHe8P8HAQ
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