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Everything posted by TerryT35

  1. Here's a couple......... A Sparkler and a Popeye (the clear is almost all inside a very small window). When I first saw the Popeye I thought it was a messed up Marble King. Then I back light it and WOW all clear inside! Enjoy
  2. Just a picture of some corkscrews........Enjoy
  3. I found this rare one at a flee market this morning. It's a 1 3/16" four vane Paperweight single-gather. Does anybody else have one? Would love to see yours! Enjoy Terry
  4. Happy Birthday Ron......and many more.
  5. Congrats Bubba......When I did my set Betty was my last one.
  6. Grandpa found these for me (Cheyanne) at the KC show.
  7. Happy Birthday Dani.....and many more.
  8. Happy Birthday Duff........PS You still talk funny!
  9. Scott, Did you cast any medals in other metals such as copper or bronze? The few originals I haver seen were in copper or bronze. The known repro's I have seen were in silver only. Thanks Terry
  10. This one followed me home from the Madison show. My new favorite Popeye. Enjoy Terry
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE......and many more.
  12. Have a Happy Birthday you Dirty Dawg!!!!!! Terry & Cindy PS Don't burn any Popeyes!
  13. Dani or Ernie, As a car crazy person I like the V8 one. Do you know who made it? Terry
  14. Happy Birthday (Leroy) Dirty Dawg #1...... I hope you enjoy those treasures for many years to come! Dirty Dawg #4 (TerryT35)
  15. Thank you everyone. Cindy (Mrs. TerryT35)
  16. For the handmade lovers. Remember when this was the good stuff? Let's see your top handmades.
  17. Thanks? Hehe The Classic Rock way to look at turning 50........ I'm about halfway up The Stairway to Heaven!
  18. Errrr....Ummm..... Thanks everyone! Now I can get an AARP discount at marble shows!
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