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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. I have helped make a lot of scrap glass. That is easy.
  2. Vacor made big numbers of pee wee cat eyes. I am not sure about the numbers for Vacor opaque pee wees ? I do not see them commonly. So I also think it may be unusual if it is a Vacor pee wee.
  3. I agree Jabo. I have owned 10,000 maybe 20,000 Jabo pee wees. I have never seen this color combo as pee wee and condition looks very good for many Jabo pee wees. Until the Vitro pee wee machine was ran, about 7 out or every 10 Jabo pee wees have roll marks. Even 40% of the pee wees ran on the Vitro pee wee machine had roll marks.
  4. I agree but the 1/2 inch or less is throwing me off for both CAC or Vacor. I have had this trouble with several of the pee wees posted lately. But if they were measured they are pee wees. But I have been fooled many times how really small a 1/2 inch marble is. I have measured fifty times more that did not make a pee wee than what were a true pee wee. With ids actual pee wee size can eliminate a lot of marbles. For every 1000 or 2000 CAC you see, maybe with luck one will be a pee wee. That is being generous. I know a man in Cambridge OH who has collected CAC pee wees for over 30 years and he has about 40-50.
  5. Third one probably Jabo or Jorkscrew.
  6. You will not find many DAS with those cut lines. I don't see any gold flakes.
  7. wvrons


    The oldest treasure in my house, is the house.. At 1880-1900. My family got this farm in 1878.
  8. Good chance of Akro or Alley or Heaton or CAC. Not much way no know for sure, unless you dug it or got it from the actual digger.
  9. CAC colors. CAC at 1/2 inch and less are far and few.
  10. Thursday night 1am. Rain here now, then ice until 5am. Then 2-3 inches of snow and zero degrees at noon. Wind chill of -20 degrees today.
  11. The last group of three all Master.
  12. I think it may be oxblood in hand. But it is so damaged that it makes no difference.
  13. Wish it was mint. I have little doubt that it is a Alley made at Sistersville.
  14. Alley never ever produced a patch type marble. They are Akro proved over and over. I have posted why they ended up at the Alley Sistersville site many times here and AAM. Again once something is printed in a book, it will never go away.
  15. Tiger Eye & Conqueror.
  16. Two Peltier and orange one you are correct not so sure, but possible.
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