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Jabo, The Microsoft Of The Future

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I love the work of Peltier, Israel, Fiedler and collect them all. Their work does not make McCoullough's better or worse. They are all beautiful and each deserves to be recognized as such. When people use micro economics 101 to choose how they spend their money, they have not hurt the value or prettiness of older pieces. Those people have chosen in a "guns and butter" sense to apply their dollar votes to buy what they deem to be pretty, not what you think they should buy. The seller of any marble cannot make someone else buy it. The buyer and only the buyer can make that decision.

You see gang. Prices of vintage marbles cannot continue to go straight up and appear to be hitting their "tin ceiling". The average marble collector cannot nor will not pay $500 on a regular basis for great old CACs. There are very few of these marbles and even fewer people willing to pay that kind of price for such a small piece of glass. So, their prices will probably continue to go up, but at a much slower rate and they will probably become more effected by big price swings to the down side every time there is a rumor or something goes wrong with the economy or the new Congress.

JABO and contemporaries are a lot different. Neither are a mature market and because the entry prices are relatively low, their downswings will be much smaller when there is negative news and their upside is much higher when there is good news.

JABOs are current. They are what is happening today. They are every man's marble and are affordable by all. Most marble collectors can afford a $10 or $20 marble if they choose. They can now afford to own the top of the line of a particular manufacturer at an affordable price.

JABO is the Microsoft of the future if you choose to look at marbles as an investment. I, personally, do not look at marbles as a good investment. They are not an investment. They are a hobby. Those who collect "pretty" marbles will have great collections. Those who "invest" in marbles, particularly expensive ones are very liable to be very disappointed. Buy "pretty" marbles and just enjoy them.

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Guest FeelingMarbleous

i concur, i buy what i like because i like it, so what if my collection doesn't consist of 300$ marbles, well it does but the majority are 5$ to 100$ mibs, but thats what i like and makes me happy. btw i did GOOD tonight on the Last dance runs on eBay but i guess its because of all the hype :lol: WRONG they did good because they are what they are and thats beautiful marbles :D

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"JABOs are current. They are what is happening today."

"JABO is the Microsoft of the future if you choose to look at marbles as an investment"

Wow, that sounds awesome! Do you think I could make money with Jabos? How much of a gain do you think I could realize on a marble?

This is all very exciting. My Grandmother was just talking about something that might get her a better return on her money. Can you give me some figures?


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Dave, Sadly, for your grandmother, she is big trouble with you as her investment advisor. She needs an investment advisor who can read-read a whole thread and read that the advise was "buy pretty marbles" and "no marble is an investment"

It is clear to me that you did not pass series 7, principals and partners, members floor exam, or CFA.

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Man..... All this stuff is getting really OLD!!!

It's funny... There was a time when I found the boards to be really boring, because all the talk was about machine made marbles, not handmades... It was such an exciting moment when talk of "real" antique marbles came up....

History repeats itself.... Unfortunately, apparently, good manners don't.

Just as a group of seasoned collectors accepting a new collector (Alan Basinet) who may actually have the smarts to learn more than us older collectors, in a shorter period of time, and respecting that....

It seems the "Newer" "Old Timers" have an attitude problem with accepting change, or those who make it....

Build a bridge and get over it, people.... Life moves on, with you, or without you.....

If you don't like talk about Jabos... Do what the die-hard handmade collectors have done, with grace...

Ignore it.

But.... You never know....

Crack that mind open a little and you may just see something new and learn to like it....

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JABOs are current. They are what is happening today. They are every man's marble and are affordable by all. Most marble collectors can afford a $10 or $20 marble if they choose. They can now afford to own the top of the line of a particular manufacturer at an affordable price.

The Madiya run looked great in the pics on Ebay but never seen any in hand to appreciate what it's about, you're right about affordability though. My $10 would still go on vintage/collection but not managed to get any lately as the price keeps going too high. Looking forward to carboot season.

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Its not a literal thing.But it effectivly paints the picture.

Just another shift in the marble world.As a marble collector/dealer I choose to roll with it!!--LOL

As an investment,you should have see the golden rebel smitty got with some of his proceeds!

(and the marbles in hand are WOW!!!!!!)

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Guest FeelingMarbleous

I have many hobby's and like making money at anything i do lol, i guess some people just don't like making money that is there choice if they choose not to capitalize on a situation, but this is getting OLD REAL FAST.......

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I think its a lot of things.It all starts out with the love of marbles.I tell people,If you dont like marbles,then you dont have much "kid" left in you.

To me,they are an investment,not neccesarily monitary though.Oh yeah,I can see way past the $$$$$ signs.Creating more interest in "our" hobby is priceless,in my book!

When I see new faces at the shows,or more interest in marbles at the local fleamarket,its all good!

Not to mention,the "Made In America",factor,,,,,,,,,,

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Guest FeelingMarbleous

Yeah i agree, don't get me wrong it's not like i buy and sell all the mibs i get my hands on and i don't have to like every kind made so why keep them when someone else can and will enjoy more than me ? same go's for Jabo's imho if they wasn't awesome mibs they wouldn't sell thats facts lol and i don't keep them all either...


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(Making an assumption here,and knowing smitty)He bought peltier cause thats what he likes.

Im do not KNOW if it was about $$$ or what he collects.Either way,its his buisness.Unless he would like to share his motive,not that it makes any differance to me,I wouldnt make any assumption on motive.

I do KNOW,Smitty has always liked peltier.

Its all looks good to me.

If he bought it for his collection,good for him!

If he bought it to make money,good for him!

If he paid for it with money he recieved for selling jabos,good for him!

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