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My New Pelt


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Came across this Peltier and thought I would share. After doing a bit of research trying to nail down just what it was and how close to what I thought it was, I found that it does not seem to be one than many have seen. I believe it to be in the Citrus family due to the colors but a variant as it is not the standard configuration. Any thoughts are welcome. I know name can be unpopular with some but I like them as they help define an individual marble within a family. For me it helps to explain just with marble I speak of when in conversation over said marble. This one reminds me of a Creamsicle and has the blueberry color as well, so I am calling it my....

Blueberry Creamsicle.


So you can see the colors better



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Thanks everyone for the thoughts. Sammy, I take your point on the Blueberry and needing yellow. I should have called it plum {Plumsicle} lol anyway as it is more purple than blue. So I see the name did not make as much sense as I thought. Flying by the seat of my pants being not real up on all of the names. However to both you and Steph I pose this question. What about this marble says Liberty? I assume a name should help explain the marble, there is no red and no true blue so why liberty? I would love to see other marbles that bare the name Liberty citrus.

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I just checked out a couple of classic pictures. I'm not up on all the finer distinctions, so I wasn't totally sure, but I thought maybe it would be that.

Maybe two of these in this photo would count as Liberty Citruses:


Here's another often shared photo:


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Thank you Steph. I do see the connection with these, although I kinda feel like mine might fall short with no red or reddish color. The near electric orange is there and mine has a slight bit of pink but no red and my purple seems to be somewhere between the plues and the purple of the plum....

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Yes, it is not the purple I see in the collage above it seems lighter. However it is to my eyes purple and a long way from the blue in those same collage's above. I guess saying red was wrong I was referring to the rusty brownish in those above that mine lacks. Sammy, don't take this as me being difficult, just trying to get a handle on what makes what what and why. =}

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Cause some crazy Pelt collector said so and a few more agreed. You really gonna try and figure out the name game?? Why is it a Liberty when it is Orange????? heck being a Citris type why isn't it an Orange Blueberry Citris? Galen, Founding member of NHA

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Exactly! lol

My thought is this....a Liberty is Red White and Blue. Makes sense. A red, White, Blue and a orange would fit a Liberty Citrus. Take the red out of either of these marbles and there is no Liberty. In the collages above the Citrus Liberties all have a little of the rusty brownish redish color....I can see the call though it seems a stretch if that color is not red but brownish orange.

Not saying this is how it is, but to me would make sense.

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I like the original idea of 'Blueberry Creamsicle'.

(Banning any other established legal precedent.)

'Blueberry' is a good description of a color that

falls between a 'Liberty' blue and 'plum'. There's

enough purple in blueberries that if you actually

saw one that was pure blue you probably wouldn't

eat it. The creamsicle part goes without saying. ( :

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