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Something About Wirepulls


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Think the wirepulls in the first pic- are made in Amsterdam.

The wirepulls in the second pic-,they look a lot like the Amsterdam ones,but i have a suspicion they are made by Vacor.The base glass of the first pic- is clear,while the "Vacors are a bit yellow tinted.

Do any of you know if Vacor made this wirepull type,maybe pictures?



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Most Vacors I've seen have characteristic surface imperfections if you light 'em up and look closely.

So that's my first ID step, regardless of what sort of marble it is.

Doesn't always work. They've had a season or two of perfect wet mint marbles. ( :

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Thanks for the input,Yeah thats funny,i've always thought they're new marbles and now i'm starting to doubt a little......

I agree -- am beginning to think the two-color ones are older newer ones, if that makes sense . . .

So far, it seems to me that there are the oldest ones (Amsterdam / Veiliglas, maybe a few German?), with one very long and convoluted one-color ribbon, in either colorless or colored glass . . .

The second-oldest ones like the first but with two-color ribbons, like the one I posted earlier . . .

The newer two-colored ones, with white the usual second color, with not as much ribbon as the earlier ones (and these may go on for a while, overlapping the newest ones?)

The newest ones, mostly one-colored ribbon, also not as much ribbon in comparison with the old ones (Champion? Vacor?)

I dunno, really. But that's how it seems to be developing, with the more we see.

Winnie, you probably see more wire pulls than most of us over here. What do you think? Or what are you beginning to think?

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There are 3 different wirepull type's.

#1=clear base with a white and colored ribbon.

#2=colored base with a white ribbon.

#3=clear base with a colored ribbon.

There are a few exeptions but they are rare,such as a clear base with a white and 2 colored ribbons.

Now that i'm writing this,i come to the conclusion that the marbles of the second pic-do not fit the 3 different types.Indeed,they have a yellow tinted base with a white and colored ribbon.

They don't belong with my wirepulls LOL.

Ann if you had not asked how i think about it,than i would not have thought of it,Thanks!

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This is interesting, wirepull marbles are not often discussed or appreciated as other types but I sure like them :)

The quality of glass in the 2nd pic looks much better than the 1st pic - which could indicate a different manufacturer or newer marble. Although it might be something simpler like a different batch from a couple days later.

Sidenote: one of my favorite marbles when I was a kid was a wirepull (and as I remember it) the white had a solid opaque blue stripe on either side of the 'ribbon', instead of just one side . Almost every one I've seen since, the color only on one side of the white.

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Sidenote: one of my favorite marbles when I was a kid was a wirepull (and as I remember it) the white had a solid opaque blue stripe on either side of the 'ribbon', instead of just one side . Almost every one I've seen since, the color only on one side of the white.

Like this one?


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wow that's pretty nice.

The one I remember had a ribbon that was more like II (if you picture the space between the two blue stripes as being the white ribbon). Kind of like driving down a blue road with a white center line. lol... wish I had a picture to help such a far-fetched description. I'll dig out some wirepulls and see if I can find something close

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wow that's pretty nice.

The one I remember had a ribbon that was more like II (if you picture the space between the two blue stripes as being the white ribbon). Kind of like driving down a blue road with a white center line. lol... wish I had a picture to help such a far-fetched description. I'll dig out some wirepulls and see if I can find something close

Like this one (not mine), but reversed? (and blue, of course)


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