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A couple that need IDs...


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I don't even know if these are vintage or modern. They were so pretty I wanted them regardless. 


But I would like to know what they are, if that's possible. :) Let me know if my photos aren't helpful for ID purposes, please, and what I could change that would make them helpful. Any feedback is appreciated ^_^ I'm new at this!


Thanks for looking! 


19/32" ~




5/8" ~



There is a weird brownish inclusion... a little speck, there in the purple one, can see it in a couple of the shots. 

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Thanks lostmymibs & Steph! 😄


You know, I wondered if the purple one would be considered a slag or not! I've looked at tons of pictures, and thought it could be, but I guess I don't quite grasp why a slag is a slag? If that makes sense. So I don't feel confident calling one out!


Is it accurate to call the transparent amber swirl a flame? Is there a certain number of flamey tips required to make a swirl a flame? I thought I recalled reading somewhere that... what makes a flame is 4 flame tips in any one view -- but that may just have been an opinion, and not a true definition! 


One more question... how the heck did the term "mib" come about?! And does it only apply to certain sizes? Like, would you call a 1" marble a mib? No... that would be a shooter, right? LOL there's so much slang to learn! 🤣


But yeah, I am having a blast so far! 😄

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"Mib" is supposedly Latin for marble.  

Safe to call 'em mibs even at 1".  :) 

I try to make a habit of calling the 1"-er a boulder.  I recognize it when someone else calls it a shooter though.  The reason I try not to to call it a shooter is because in tournament play, the max size allowed on the shooter is 3/4".   But sometimes I go with the flow and call the bigger ones shooters.  

I don't personally call transparent based marbles "flames".  But obviously some do!  It sure is flamey.  If that base were opaque, I think you'd be seeing your four tips.  (Doesn't have to have the tips in every view, just one.)  

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8 hours ago, Steph said:

The reason I try not to to call it a shooter is because in tournament play, the max size allowed on the shooter is 3/4".

I don't personally call transparent based marbles "flames".  But obviously some do!  It sure is flamey.  If that base were opaque, I think you'd be seeing your four tips.  (Doesn't have to have the tips in every view, just one.)  


I didn't know that about tournament play! But... I don't think I have ever actually played marbles! 😰 I've played games as a kid that used marbles (like the one in the clear cylinder tube, with long pointy "sticks" going through it in every direction, with marbles sitting on top of the sticks inside the tube... each player took turns pulling out a stick, trying not to let the marbles come crashing through), but I have never actually played a game of marbles. 


Ahhh, ok! Opaque base = definite flame; transparent base... not so much. Gotcha. 


And I found this link in the archives -- A Glossary of Marble Players' Terms -- that will be helpful for a newbie like myself! 😄 

Thanks Steph!

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58 minutes ago, winnie said:

I see a nice flame.

Is that an appointment:opaque is a flame and transparent not so much?

After searching through the forum... there doesn't seem to be a solid agreement on whether a transparent swirl like this is a flame or not. Seems to be personal opinion. Some do consider them flames, and others don't. They do agree that opaque ones are. But when it comes to a transparent base... Seems it's up to the individual whether or not they'd consider it a flame or not.


Here's a smattering of opinions across various threads I found: 


•"Not sure, but I don't think transparent swirls would usually get put in the flame category."

•"For me there is no difference in the pattern between opaque or transparant flame swirls. I put my transp- flame swirls in the flame category."

•"The more tips the better, and the more opaque the better for me, but some of the Transparent based ones or even Translucent ones are just out of this world..."

•"Ravenswood Flames ? i love those to lol, they actually made some very cool Transparent based ones, which could very easily be confused for Alley."



Now... myself?  LOL I'm just a beginner and still learning many definitions.  I'm relying on what other folks say. There's definitely agreement that opaque ones are flames. I looked in that Glossary link above for Flame, but the definition doesn't mention whether it's on opaque or transparent glass, or both: 

FLAME MARBLEnoun. A name given to a type of glass marble made-up by collectors to identify a specific type of glass marble made primarily by The Christensen Agate Company, but also others companies; the marbles’ colors and design look like the flames painted on the sides of old hot rod cars.


I'm gonna call it a "transparent swirl/flame"... 

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On the subject of flames though --- here's another I bought without a positive ID.

21/32" ~



I've been comparing it to this picture in this post: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/11969-how-many-w-v-swirl-companies-were-there/?do=findComment&comment=101565

Pic (is it ok to paste someone else's picture into my comment like this? Just trying to save folks the extra click to see it. Lemme know, I'll remove it if not ok!) 



...and I'm wondering if my black (erm, purple-ish under bright light) & white flamey marble there is a Ravenswood?

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With the bright white and the way the ribbon dips into the marble, I could see this last one being Ravenswood.  But I wouldn't be surprised if one of our Alley guys came in and said it was Alley. 

I'd say it was one or the other.  

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Thank you both for your input! 😄 Man I have already decided I'm not buying any more without a (convincing) positive ID, LOL! I kinda feel... embarrassed? or like I'm a bother? ... posting up pics and asking folks "What is it?"  Well, and now I see that was a stupid rookie mistake -- the only marbles I have in hand right now are 12 that came without a positive ID, and 3 very similar Alleys. Might be a bit harder for a beginner to learn only by looking at photos, instead of having something in person to look at. Yeah... didn't think of that when I started buying!

I'm trying now to not ask for help with an ID unless I venture a guess myself along with it. That seems more fair, if I'm asking others to help. 😊

But! I do have several lovely, positively ID'ed ones on the way! 

Thank you folks for helping me out as I learn. 

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We're all learning.

Venturing a guess is good in that it forces you to focus on why it could be ______. Similarly buying 'unknown' marbles was a good learning experience for me (I'm still a relative newbie, and don't have real access to shows or other collectors).

It's an id thread so post away - if people don't want to try and id marbles they know not to visit, but most here enjoy it.

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