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Akro or Vitro ? Mine all "fake" according to few forums


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My effort sorting and posting will be limited until i find something more of interest.

No one but a few ( those i thank ! ) likes to comment because i think mine are asian type look a likes of the real thing.

Think no one wants to trade also 

None replied 

Thnx all for the interest and tips

Ill be back 20210317_215202.thumb.jpg.b6902f1e7977e14a3e6119e4e43059a4.jpg















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Collecting marbles is easy. Like I have said earlier, it is easy and fun to buy. But that can end up a problem. Now you are discouraged because you have spent money on damaged and or common marbles that many collectors had years ago or are not interested in.  To collect marbles for any amount of time. You have to learn some about marbles. That part takes time and effort. As I have said earlier learn and then buy. Buy as you learn, not buy and learn afterwards that you are disappointed with what you purchased. Marbles have many different rewards. But they are not always fast. Like many good rewards it takes time and effort. I have told you more than once that marbles condition is number one no matter how old, how new or how rare. Learn the basics what is handmade, what is machine made, what a pontil is. Just a few things for starters. There is marble collecting information in many places on the internet. But you have to do your own study with time and effort. Did a marble collector tell you it would be easy and fast ?  I tell any new collector, it will be hard, take lots of time and effort. But people who do the work and learn marbles, receive the different rewards. Most marbles collectors stay with marbles for years or a lifetime. Because of all the time and effort to learn them. I still learn something new about marbles every week, after over twenty five years. You will not learn marbles in a year. You will not double or triple your money with marbles the first year. You will make mistakes, we all have.  Mistakes can be good teachers. If we learn from our mistakes ?  Now you are at a point of give up, give your marbles away or trash them ?  Or learn and then buy what you learn. You do not have to own a marble to learn about it. You are in a area that could be very good for marble collecting.  That could be a benefit for you and marble collectors in the US.  Good luck in what your decision may be.  

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Hang in there, Mojo...I too am new to the marble world, lots of us here are. I have only been occasionally picking up marbles for a few months and only joined here a few weeks ago to learn what I have and what too shoot for. I by no means have anything spectacular, maybe a few that are considered very nice. It's going to take you and I and others that want to collect marbles quite some time too become what you would call "good" at recognizing what we have individually with our marbles. Listen and learn, like we do from Ron, Steph, Chad, Ric, Bruce and others that have knowledge on this hobby. Their experience can only help us get better. Also, I think there is value in almost any marble, whether it's vintage, modern, etc. With you, you apparently have a skill in creating jewelry. Pursue that with marbles that you KNOW are and can be used for this. There's your side profit. And keep the ones you find out that are collectible (rarities, ones worth money, etc.) Either way, stay with it, keep asking for help identifying, opinions on purchases, whatever, just have fun and don't get overwhelmed or frustrated 😊 

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For the ones which are in doubt -- which currently is the vast majority -- I would encourage you not to make rush decisions about them.   As we learn more about them, they could turn out to have more recognized value, and you might be sad if you parted with them too soon.



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There not "Fake" Mojo, just not easily identifiable because of rarely being seen here in the U.S. Some are identifiable yes, others closely resemble known manufacturers but just something a bit off. Personally I wouldn't toss anything. Myself,  I will not give an I.D. on something that I have no idea on, just state what I know & what it resembles. I want to help as I'm sure "everyone" else does on any marble forum, some of the main driving forces behind all these marble forums is the sharing of knowledge and helping the new collector, things that help us all in the end. In a word "Everchanging" This hobby morphs continually as provenance & new knowledge is brought foreword. I would love to know more about a number of the marbles you have in question myself, and believe that given a little time their identification will become known. Hang in there, we're with you, the great majority is here to help & learn. A few words of encouragement for you as we all love this hobby, it has become a large and very enjoyable part of my life & the lives of many here  ;) 

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To me the quest for information and building the mental database is a big part of the lure. Being over there and finding so many of these, I would be tempted to look into and ask around about marble companies in your part of the world. Not everything is known about them. Winnie was a marble fanatic (RIP) from your part of the world who was a valuable resource, went out and did the digging and came up with provenance about the wirepulls, attributing them to Veilligglas, and some other European marble info. That work is still unfinished IMO, as we don't know where the majority of your marbles came from. The reason nobody can tell you who made them is we don't know. If you can find out what company made them and where it was, they will suddenly have more collectability simply because they can be attributed to something/someone/somewhere. Right now these types are in people's mystery boxes with no info. I said on another forum that I thought they were foreign to the US and somewhat resembled Akros and Vitros but that they were off enough that I had to go with foreign. Never said they were "fake".

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