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I'm back

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I had a stroke New Years Eve, nearly died, don't remember much, but came out of it. weak but raring to go. People call me 'A Miracle Girl" but I just call me Bonnie, work hard, and am now on my walker and practicing on my cane. there are few signs, except for my voice- I can't talk much above a loud whisper, much to Bills delight .Fortunately, that won't bother you folks at all.  I  hope some of you missed me and I'll see you soon- LOL- Bonnie

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"Welcome Back Bonnie"   :wave2:

  Yes of course we missed you, so "Good" to hear from you & that you are ok & getting better. Look forward to some new discussions and completing some old ones as well.  I just had a bit of "Marble Therapy" on my feet, picking up marbles with my toes is prescribed therapy for "planters Fasciitis" This is really the paper my Dr. gave me, I couldn't believe it !!  Oh !! where to start ?? Hope ya get a chuckle out of this Bonnie, I sure did !!




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Welcome back Bonnie.  I had a stroke a few years ago. My big takeaway from that experience is; I don't want another one. You can get thru it, Marbles help. I had a physical therapist that wanted to see my marble collection. I don't think she was as interested in mibs as she was in seeing me handle them, seems to be good training. So is typing so stay in touch. Thanks


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