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Real ??


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Oh boy, I don't see any correct I.D.'s, best bet, I'd post em here before I buy em for a possible I.D. or price estimate. None of them appear to be at all what the seller is implying. Yeah I wish there was a filter for scammers "but". Clue # 2 is those outrageous prices, even if they were as described there's no way I'm giving over a grand for one Persian turquoise, for that you can almost get a mint original box full. They're probably already flagged as "Questionable Sellers" on AAM. Guess a "Questionable Sellers" thread could be started here ?? What does everyone think ?? Opinions are welcome !!

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16 minutes ago, Chad G. said:

Oh boy, I don't see any correct I.D.'s, best bet, I'd post em here before I buy em for a possible I.D. or price estimate. None of them appear to be at all what the seller is implying. Yeah I wish there was a filter for scammers "but". Clue # 2 is those outrageous prices, even if they were as described there's no way I'm giving over a grand for one Persian turquoise, for that you can almost get a mint original box full. They're probably already flagged as "Questionable Sellers" on AAM. Guess a "Questionable Sellers" thread could be started here ?? What does everyone think ?? Opinions are welcome !!

Yes.  I think that would be a good thread Chad 👍

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I would rather not go after sellers on this board. I prefer to inform potential buyers.

A “questionable sellers” post would take up too much space and too much time.

I look at thousands of marbles every day on E-Bay and would prefer to educate folks rather that put down anyone that has not done the research required to sell—or those that intentionally try to persuade the uninformed to buy. Let’s face it we inform sellers all of the time, fact is, most sellers do less research than buyers do/should.

Live and learn—try to learn before giving up dollars that are better off spent else ware.

Prices are inflated because of the willingness to buy, just to post an image of “Guess what I got” on “social media”. Sellers know this, I know this and new collectors need to know this as well.

I could post an Akro 150 tin filled with Jabo and an “Indian pouch” and get $250—no questions asked—unreal--- (not that I would do that)

There are no collectables in the world worth a week’s worth of groceries just to say” I got one”.

Knowledge will allow anyone that is into marbles or any collectable to score on e-bay.

Do the research, ask for help, and keep your money in your pockets.


And do research on this board and others--- on as well!!!

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Not talking about sellers on this board, I was referring to sellers on Ebay, Etsy etc...

Questionable sellers (Ebay, Etsy, etc ...) is for sellers who "Obviously" know exactly what they're doing (Scamming). Placing a flag on them is a good thing and makes others (especially newer collectors) aware of their devious activities. If they're not questionable they'll usually state it in their description "not a marble expert" or "look at pictures for description". I can post an inumerable amount right now that are blatant scammers & thieves, "No question about them knowing exactly what their doing" Questionable sellers is "Research" from an educated collectors point of view, Yes check it out, of course !! But if you already know their rip offs you won't waste time looking at their posts. Ebay will reimburse anything, all you have to do is check the box "Not as Described" and Ebay will refund you, even if the seller doesn't. The scammer knows this so will continue !! business as usual to them, I've seen a few of them banned, as should happen to any proven thief. Ebay usually won't go after anyone unless a certain amount of complaints or refunds has been issued or it's over $9000.00 yes I said $9000.00. they haven't the "time" either. I wish this had been around when I started collecting, would have saved me hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Just my take on the whole thing but I get multiple requests asking if the seller is legit or the marble even exists. Looking at Ebay daily as I do & you also, I know you've seen blatant funny business & sellers knowing exactly what their doing, waiting for the unwary newbie to get scammed out of their hard earned cash & being none the wiser thinking they have a killer marble until they post here or ask another collector. Informing potential buyers is exactly what I'm talking about, not someone from this board being a questionable seller, you wouldn't be very bright to try and pedal your false wares here, you'd be flagged as soon as you posted. I've seen many here that came to this board broken and ready to give up marble collecting because an unsavory character took them for $$$. Here to help & inform, I already inform people of questionable sellers almost every day, just saying a thread dedicated to I.D.ing them as the other board has works pretty well, the newbies check it right away as I would also & still do.

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Hello All,

    Didn't mean to get under anyone's skin w/ my statement's. I realize now I probably got a little carried away there so I'm giving a "public apology" to all I offended in any way by anything I said. Nothing was directed at any one person, just how I feel about thieves and less than honorable individuals in general. Understatement of the century I guess !! We already have a thread for such matters & things associated with them. The "Board of inquiry - Squabble zone"  forum, not only for disputes between board members but  also if you have had a bad sales experience w/ a less than honorable person. I was taken to the bank shortly after Ebay started years ago by a thief, and evidently I'll never forget it. I have nothing but the utmost respect for everyone here on this board and again I do apologize if anyone was offended, it was not intended in any way. I'm pretty easy going but certain things really get my dander up.





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Learn, educate yourself before buying. Know what you are buying . Not what any seller tells you. Buy the marble not what a seller says or types.  No one much wants to buy plain swamp land. But if it listed as rare alligator land for valuable hides and meat. It might sell great ? 

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