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went to an underattended auction saturday....


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I got some mibs, cheap. One of the lots was a small baggie with about 20 marbles labeled "Peltier".  Most were in fact pelts but I have doubts about these. Do you think any of these are Peltier? The smallest (green-yellow) is 19/32nds, the largest (blue-black) is 21/32nds. Thanks


4 pelts1.jpg

4 pelts2.jpg

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x2, agree w/ Ric, the two on the (R) are Pelt, i.e.  NLR John Deere (yellow base -trans. green ribbons) NLR Tiger ( orange base, black ribbons) The one on the far (L) looks Alley not sure about the black & blue ??

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Prob'ly not a bruiser, the clear is brown not green. I'm gonn'a go with akro, and a cork at that. As soon as I stopped lookin' at the blue as a stripe and saw it as the base glass it all fell into place. The clear glass goes around from pole to pole, it stretches into a hair thin stripe in one spot but is unbroken all the way. Thanks


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