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Any Specific Type of Swirls?


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Hi Everyone, Just got these from a jar and was wondering if these can be tied to a specific marble company. They all look the same, more chunky swirls than the usual alleys I have. The first is .60" and the next two are .61". The blue is translucent and the white base is opaque so you can't see through the blue. Thanks for your help!






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It came from a lot I purchased off of eBay. I think the person selling it got most of them from a jar and may have added a few from another purchase. The lot included some vitro conquerors, all reds, and trilites, Marble King Rainbows, and a few Alleys. Are you thinking possibly Jabo? I don't think there were any Jabos in the bunch, except for possibly these. 

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I also got a Jabo vibe but it might just be the lighting.  The base is not quite looking white to me.  Lighting that made it seem more white could change my entire impression, I'm sure.

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Hi Steph, Here are a couple more pics that were taken near a sunny window. It looks as if the base has a greenish tinge, but there is definitely no green tint when enlarging the photos  Upon looking more closely at the marble in the middle of the secong photo, I think I saw what looks like a really tight "b. crack".  It is so faint in the white base. I also compared them to some Alleys in better lighting and the white glass base in the sun isn't as pure and opaque looking as the Alleys. So the verdict is . . . Jabo . . . ? Thanks!



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