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Chad G.

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Well fellow mibsters, looking forward to getting knocked out  :thup: Kidney stones w/o any pain meds, hmm I don't know quite how to put it w/o saying something I shouldn't but  *^$#$%^&* "ouch"  I know I'll still be in pain when I awake from surgery & the anesthetic wears off but not nearly what I have been in since 3 AM this morning let alone since last Thursday. Needless to say you probably won't hear a peep from me until tomorrow.  I wish you all well & I don't & wouldn't wish stones of any kind on anyone  :)  Say a prayer for me Brothers & Sisters  🙏 going to Nephrology next month to see if they can't put the cabosh on the way I'm hatching these things out every couple months, this ones a 7mm the last one in Feb was a centimeter caught in my bladder, that's a little bigger than a pea, December was I believe a 8 or 9mm 24/7 pain isn't good on the membrane  :wacko:

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I picked a bad time to be absent.  Glad to hear they're taking it to the next level in trying to find a solution for this cycle.  

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