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Why would these not be smooth & round?


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So here are some of these marbles that I've had for a long time. I had never taken them out and actually rolled them in my fingers. But when I do, they're like lumpy and not round and smooth. So any and all opinions are greatly appreciated...




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44 minutes ago, intuit said:

But when I do, they're like lumpy and not round and smooth.

Welcome Intuit!
A blind person can tell a marble by touch, I am not calling you out as blind—just hear me out.
Maybe not colors----but touch. I really do believe that @Chad G.or @Fire1981or @cheese or @Riccould touch a marble and ID it without any eyesight.

Maybe not right on—but pretty close- @Melissa is getting right there as well as well as @Alan and the rest of the group here at “TheMarbleConnection”—too many to name really.( sorry if I counted you out)

These collectable—marbles--- are  easily ID’d by touch if that is what you seek and need. 
I can only imagine this but I think that I could do it if I needed to.
I have often thought “what if I was blind” or visually impaired and who would help me in this endeavor.
We here at “TheMarbleConnection” accept all, regardless of anyone that is visually disabled or has any other physical/mental impairment.
We are all here to help with this great collectable as far as ID goes.
If you accept perfection only—you are in the wrong place—if you accept a welcome—you are most accepted here.
Marble—On for sure!!

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Sweaty Surface glass on Contemporary marbles  caused by bad COE. I can’t remember what that stands for but it means they failed along the way making the marble. It’s weird. It feel’s oily and 490 and Windex doesn’t clean the surface🔥


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28 minutes ago, Fire1981 said:

Sweaty Surface glass on Contemporary marbles  caused by bad COE. I can’t remember what that stands for but it means they failed along the way making the marble. It’s weird. It feel’s oily and 490 and Windex doesn’t clean the surface🔥




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Try not to look at mass-production marble making as a precision process.  It wasn't.  You can't produce perfection at 1/20th of one cent each with crude tools in a dimly lit shop.

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Ok so idk if all was being sarcastic or I was just reading them that way. But I have had enough marbles (collected and sold) to know that it's not normal for a bunch of marbles to ALL feel ?? Deformed maybe?? But for lack of education and grammar- you might get what I'm trying to say. There are none (and there's a bunch) that are like normal round smooth marbles.


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2 minutes ago, intuit said:

Ok so idk if all was being sarcastic or I was just reading them that way. But I have had enough marbles (collected and sold) to know that it's not normal for a bunch of marbles to ALL feel ?? Deformed maybe?? But for lack of education and grammar- you might get what I'm trying to say. There are none (and there's a bunch) that are like normal round smooth marbles.

Marbles were not made with precision, as Alan said, but they were made for a purpose - to play marbles, which means that being round and rolling smoothly was a key to success. Just think of Akro's quip "Shoot as straight as a crow flies" - it was important for marketing purposes. For the kids who bought them, out-of-rounds, cold-rolls, etc. would be deal breakers. If they consistently found "bad marbles" in one company's offerings they would surely look elsewhere.  Of course, some of these less than stellar shooting marbles did make it through quality control and into the hands of players, who probably used them for sling shot ammo or some other purpose, there were certainly marble games that didn't require "good shooting marbles".

If you have wound up with a big lot of marbles that all have issues in this regard, I would think you got into a bunch of seconds, or rejects, perhaps even dug marbles. While there were plenty of perfectly good playing marbles discarded by companies for various reasons, any marbles that wouldn't pass the basic requirement of round and smooth were surely discarded. Of course, the other possibility is that some of what you are feeling is just damage caused long after the marbles sold.

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Thanks. For kinda clearing that up. I am not upset about them being that way, I had just never came across a bunch like that. I've had them forever and I had time the other day and took a couple out and yeah...but thanks 

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